Balloon Boy, Meet Balloon Girl

“The woman who went on ‘Good Morning America,’ claiming she injected her 8-year-old daughter with Botox, now swears under oath … she made the entire story up for a few hundred bucks.” Sheena Upton, née Kerry Campbell, is now trying to get her daughter back from the child-protection folks. [TMZ]


CPS needs to keep the kid to save her from the stoopid.

Did she say yes after he promised her a reality show of their own?

TJ: Orly update. I mentioned the other day that Orly had moved to intervene in a Gulf of Mexico oil drilling case in which my organization is involved. Today, I received the judge’s order denying her motion. The grounds for the motion were that the federal government’s now-terminated moratorium on Gulf drilling was illegal because Obama was born in Kenya. Really.

@Dodgerblue: Have we ever confirmed that she paid her fines?

Cynics’ Party is now password protected!

@Dodgerblue: The sanctions were under Rule 11? Does CA note federal sanctions? There’s nothing on the bar website.

@Yo! JNOV Raps!: I don’t think our State Bar would act unless someone filed a complaint.

@Yo! JNOV Raps!: I noticed that — what, a year ago? — but I’m not sure whether there’s actually a website behind that login. It may be a Dreamhost Thang after Greg zapped the site from his account. Or I may be blowing smoke.

Meanwhile, the domain itself keeps automatically renewing every January. I was intensely interested in grabbing it if it expired a couple years back, but I’ve lost interest.

@Dodgerblue: Hmmmm. Well, last summer, SCOTUS told her to go fuck herself. KochSquared might have paid it for her.

@Dodgerblue: Can’t get on the FBA’s site. Maybe she can’t show her face in federal ct anymore.

@Yo! JNOV Raps!: @Dodgerblue:
what makes me laugh more? Orly! Orly! Orly!
or JNOV’S avatar.
toss up.

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