Notorious Terrorist Obi-Wan Kenobi Killed in Firefight
We don’t know who’s behind this, but it’s awesome. As are the comments.
Obi-Wan Kenobi Is Dead, Vader Says [Galactic Empire Times]
But why are housing prices on Hoth so fucking expensive?
OMG! Love the comments! Ha!
***There’s a lot going on here that we aren’t being told. Has anyone ever actually seen Lord Vader’s birth certificate? I bet that could tell us something.
***I heard rumors he could be related to key Rebel figures.
***Yeah, he’s clearly black, and everyone knows that no black people are born in the Empire.
***I heard his real name is Annakin Sotero.
***Dude, I think your carbonite-foil hat is pressed a bit too tight. I hear the rebels have admitted he’s dead. What more proof do you need? You conspiracy theorists probably think Lord Vader’s alleged kids had something to do with it.
In an earlier statement issued to the press, Kenobi boasted that striking him down could make him “more powerful than you could possibly imagine.”
@ManchuCandidate: Some people are just inexplicably nutz about skiing. Many Bothans died… when they ventured off the bunny slopes.
Is Ripped Representative Schock gonna torpedo the Empire?
“Use your abs, Luke. Distract them until they realize that you’ve voted against raising the debt limit, thus causing the biggest economic explosion in history.”
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread @JNOV: Haven’t touched a thing — checked it the other day, worked from here. But that’s my…
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Oh! My edits worked! Praise nojo!
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Glad you’re feeling sunny. I have my moments which are then squashed by some shitheads’…
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: The Long View: 1972: Nixon 61% 1984: Reagan 59% 2004: Bush 51% 2024: Trump 50%…
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread Power is power, but… About 11 million votes remain to be counted. Nate Silver (I know, I know)…
JNOV • The Values We Profess Yeah. So. When my kid came back from basically getting frog-marched from a store downtown (the…
JNOV • The Values We Profess @nojo: We love you! I was thinking, even though we don't truly celebrate x-mas, some people in…
NOJO • The Values We Profess @nojo: Also, I love saying stuff like “heading uptown”. Brooklyn is fun!