House Republicans Revive Chinatown Clause

“After jettisoning controversial legislative language narrowing the definition of rape for the purposes of abortion law, House Republicans are attempting a backdoor maneuver to ensure that solely victims of ‘forcible rape’ are eligible for federal funding if they seek abortions.” Forcible rape doesn’t include statutory rape. Statutory rape includes incest. [Mother Jones, via Raw Story]


The GOP has been trying to insert (so to speak) the “forcible” language into the Hyde Amendment for over a decade.


Would it more accurate to say they’ve been trying to “sneak it in the backdoor” or “jam it down our throats”? ;)

Why does everything in US America politics comes back to Blazing Saddles?

Hedley Lamarr: Qualifications?
Applicant: Rape, murder, arson, and rape.
Hedley Lamarr: You said rape twice.
Applicant: I like rape.

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