Atlas Shrugged Producer Goes Galt, America Collapses in Turmoil

John Aglialoro, the exercise-equipment magnate who produced the Atlas Shrugged movie, would like you to know you’re not worthy:

“Critics, you won,” said John Aglialoro, the businessman who spent 18 years and more than $20 million of his own money to make, distribute and market “Atlas Shrugged: Part 1,” which covers the first third of Rand’s dystopian novel. “I’m having deep second thoughts on why I should do Part 2.”

“Atlas Shrugged” was the top-grossing limited release in its opening weekend, generating $1.7 million on 299 screens and earning a respectable $5,640 per screen. But the the box office dropped off 47% in the film’s second week in release even as “Atlas Shrugged” expanded to 425 screens, and the movie seemed to hold little appeal for audiences beyond the core group of Rand fans to whom it was marketed.

Aglialoro attributed the box office drop-off to “Atlas Shrugged’s” poor reviews.

The critics also killed most Adam Sandler movies, not that it did any good.

‘Atlas Shrugged’ producer: ‘Critics, you won.’ He’s going ‘on strike.’ [LAT]

Haha, the not MSNBC ad is for the movie. I clicked just so nojo can ahve another of Mr. Aglialoro’s hard-earned pennies.

Mamma Mia was another tragic casualty. Both the play and the movie received mediocre to poor reviews, and together they’ve only made about $2 ka-ba-jillion dollars.

Parts 2 and 3 should be done as anime.

I’ve always imagined Ayn Rand as half Squid half Yeti with laser eyes and shooting flames out of her ass.

Once again another Galtian overlord who simply can’t admit that his shit does, in fact, stink. Of *course* it was the reviewers – I mean, it couldn’t be the shit directing, the shit actors, the shit source material or the shit Randroids…

@¡Andrew!: The show was ecstatically reviewed in London – where hope goes to die – and got what we call ‘money’ notices in NYC. What was poorly reviewed is Wicked, the biggest motherfucking hit in the history of motherfucking Broadway. (sorry, I’m still aftertasting the royals thread)

However, if Bowflex guy wants to see some bad reviews (and I mean peel the paint off the walls bad. The kind of bad that stops your work for years, not that I blame Frank Rich or would want to snap his lying fucking head off at the neck – till you slowly crawl back out of the pit though you can never mingle in a lobby during intervals bad) I got a whole closet full. I’ll swap em for Gregg Plitt’s cell number. (sorry, gay only reference. Suck it up, bitch. As the Bishop said to the Actress.)

@al2o3cr: These people have no idea what a free market means. They have no clue. The same can be said about their understanding of fiction.

@Benedick HRH KFC: I get a tear in my eye whenever I hear Defying Gravity. It’s totally my song for Stinque Karaoke.

@Benedick HRH KFC: I rather like Wicked. Directed correctly it could be quite effective, particularly if you pumped up the political aspects of it. I saw it in Los Angeles and very early on, before Broadway, even, I think, in San Francisco. They avoided the politics and thus it came out a bit bland. Still a good time, though.

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