Whose Caliphate Is It Anyway?

Michele Bachmann, November 1, 2010:

Rep. Michele Bachmann plans to form and lead a “Constitutional Conservative Caucus” in the 112th Congress, she announced today — in addition to continuing as the titular head of the Tea Party in the House.

Michele Bachmann, Monday:

“Something else that we can do to reinforce our pro-marriage, pro-life, pro-family agenda is to limit the subject-matter jurisdiction of the courts… At the federal level with what are called Article III courts, Article III of the United States Constitution, we can limit the subject matter that justices can rule on. We have it within our authority to decide what judges can rule on and what they can’t.”

Normally we’re inclined to point and laugh, but we have this creeping suspicion that Bachmann is moving from crazy to dangerous. Somebody please put her back in the Louie Gohmert box where she belongs.


Theocracies are okay if you’re white and a TRUE Xtian who believes in muscular war Spartan Jeebus not that forgiving sissy that FAKE Christians believe in.

“When fascism comes to America, it will come covered in teabags, riding on a Rascal and waving a cross”

As the Mother Superior says to Maria in The Sound of Music, “What is it you cunt face?”

@ManchuCandidate: Y’know, it’s not that I’m starting to fear Bachmann as such, but I’m despairing of the ability of national Demrats to take a principled stand against that kind of crap, and thus letting the “legitimate” conversation creep rightward again.

In other news, I was born yesterday.

Maybe the Medieval Church had a point: it can be dangerous to let just anyone read an important documents and interpret it for themselves.

@Mistress Cynica: Thereby the gates swing open to Donatism which, it seems to me, is the dogma that fueled the priest abuse.

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