Your NYT Paywall Dollars at Work

David Brooks: “Last fall, the Simpson-Bowles deficit commission released a bold report on how to avoid an economic catastrophe.” No, it didn’t. [NYT, Bloomberg]


I noticed that they shut the comments down after just a few minutes – Bobo was really getting taken to task.

The ego of few or the one outweigh the facts of the many.

The subscription rate is higher if you want the fact-checking option.

@Dodgerblue: That makes two nominees for tomorrow’s tweet.

And yes, I can be bought.

Bobo is why I quit watching the Newshour, which I used to watch every Friday evening without fail, for decades, but not since, oh I don’t know, the middle of the Bush/Cheney captivity?

@nojo: Name the price. I have a stock portfolio and the original London cast of Cats.

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