Sarah Palin Makes Self-Victimization Look Easy

We alluded to this yesterday, but we thought we’d trot it out for a closer look:

“Conservationists write me these nasty letters because I support an industry like this,” the former vice presidential candidate said, after taking a chainsaw to an Evergreen Timber tree. “They write me these nasty letters using their pretty little pencils on their pretty little stationery not realizing. Where do you think your pencil and your piece of paper came from, people? It came from a tree that was harvested.”

It all falls apart upon inspection, of course. Who, besides your mother, writes letters these days? And who even owns a pencil, much less writes hatemail with it? (We prefer crayon when addressing screeds to Shrub, but that’s because he has a habit of ignoring printed material.) And if you’re going to write hatemail, you’re probably not going to use the flowery stationery. Unless it has a prominent Recycled symbol at the bottom, just so your target knows you care about the medium of your invective.

But forget about all that, and just admire the economy of Palin’s straw man: With a few quick dashes, she’s created a world, a universe of paranoid fantasy.

And nobody credits Palin for the quality of her work. At least, until a Lesser Wingnut tries to cop her moves, only to discover that only Jordan can fly:

“Since anonymous sources are being taken seriously, please allow me to share some tips I’ve received and keep the tipsters’ identities anonymous. We’ve been warned by multiple high-ranking Democrat insiders that the Delaware Democrat and Republican political establishment is jointly planning to pull out all the stops to ensure I would never again upset the apple cart. Specifically they told me the plan was to crush me with investigations, lawsuits and false accusations so that my political reputation would become so toxic no one would ever get behind me. I was warned by numerous sources that the DE political establishment is going to use every resource available to them. So given that the King of the Delaware Political Establishment just so happens to be the Vice President of the most liberal Presidential administration in U.S. history, it is no surprise that misuse and abuse of the FBI would not be off the table. And further connecting the dots, do you think it is just a coincidence that Melanie Sloan was a senior Biden staffer just before she joined CREW and filed her complaint against me?!”

That’s our beloved Celibabe, Christine O’Donnell, telling supporters — let’s be generous and presume she still has some — that not only is she innocent of the scurrilous accusations that she’s a Professional Candidate, but no less than the Evil Plugz, The Vice Preznit of These United States, surely must be behind them.

To which the general response, even on one of the slowest news days of the year, is a gaping yawn. Hey, look! Obama’s giving Manhattan back to Michael Vick, soon as Bloomberg plows the streets!

Can you imagine Talibunny tweeting anything that wild without it immediately squatting on half the slots at Memeorandum? No. No, you cannot.

That’s because, love her, hate her, or help load her rifle, Sarah Palin is an artist. And Christine O’Donnell is still painting by numbers.

Is There a Case Against Christine O’Donnell? [Weigel]

We’ve been warned by multiple high-ranking Democrat insiders that the Delaware Democrat and Republican political establishment is jointly planning to pull out all the stops to ensure I would never again upset the apple cart. Specifically they told me the plan was to crush me with investigations, lawsuits and false accusations so that my political reputation would become so toxic no one would ever get behind me.

Christine, baby, the Democratic party would like nothing better than to have you “upset the apple cart” again and agan and again.

I, for one, am not surprised by the depth of Talibunny’s delusion nor Xtine’s amateur attempts at it.

My real life contard “strawman” (who is probably the only person in Canada City who still believes in W) still thinks that getting fired 14 times and garnering horrible performance reviews from many jobs wasn’t his fault.

“still thinks that getting fired 14 times and garnering horrible performance reviews from many jobs wasn’t his fault.”

But can probably do a 10-minute impromptu rant on the need for *other* people to have “personal responsibility”, right?

O’Donnell was on an AM show today. I would have asked if she thought she was competent to stand trial. I got a “like” from Teagan Goddard himself over at the fb page, btw, for commenting that federal investigators would be using trial by ordeal in the O’Donnell case and throw her into a pond to determine guilt of innocence.

I was off for the year yesterday afternoon. Going to the dump and making donation runs today. Went to PT for my busted wing and crunchy knee yesterday. The orthopedic surgeon is going to look at them next week.

Shockingly, he has. And wait till you hear about him bitching endlessly about taxes and then in the same breath blab endless about the thousands a year he spends on golf.

I’m rather ashamed I never thought of this.

Eagles Witchy Wooooman

Raven hair and ruby lips
A forest that’s between her hips
Crazy voice from the Right
She’s a grifting spirit on an endless fight
Wooo hooo witchy woman, see how
Big she Lies
Woo hoo witchy woman she got
The FBI in her eye
She tried to make a newt in the night
Blabbing loads of Palin-lite
Crazy laughter in another
Room and she bought herself a matress
With campaign dough
Wooo hooo witchy woman, see how
Big she Lies
Woo hoo witchy woman she got
The FBI in her eye

The difference, of course, is that Palin is already running as the first reality TV candidate in our nation’s proud history. I daresay she won’t be the last.

Shamelessly reprinting this, from commenter ZeraLee @ TPM:

I am the very model of a modern Neo-Conservative,
I’ve information artificial, deceptive, and pejorative,
I know the Lords of Wall Street, and I quote the fights historical
From Medicare to Climate Change, in order categorical;
I’m very well acquainted, too, with matters hyperpolitical,
I understand agendas, both the divisive and fanatical,
About economic theorem I’m teeming with a lot o’ news,
With many cheerful facts about the size of unemployment queues…

Thought some people might find it amusing. :)

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