Paladino Hearts the Tea-Bagging

As everyone by now knows, Carl Paladino, the GOP candidate for New York Governor, went on an anti-gay rant on Sunday to a crowd of Hasidic Jews, saying that he didn’t want children “brainwashed” that homosexuality is acceptable. The next day he “clarified” his comments by explaining it is because gay pride parades are disgusting and terrible and feature “men in Speedos bumping and grinding” against one another and that his opponent Andrew Cuomo was wrong to bring his daughters to the parade. (This was a few days after the man who has two families went on a bizarre tirade describing Cuomo’s legendary prowess in remarks to reporters. Somebody has a dick fascination. Or tea-bagging?)

Well, naturally it’s time for the other shoe to drop. The hypocrisy wing-tips fit him so nicely.

The New York Daily News is reporting that Paladino, a property owner in Buffalo, was more than happy to be the landlord of two gay bars, Cobalt and Buddies II.  No exact figures on how much he profited from the gheyz.  Oh, and his son was one of the managers of Cobalt, a rocking nightclub, which according to the Daily News, was:

catering exclusively to gay clientele, holding drag queen nights and featuring “boy-tenders” behind the bar.

A March 2005 review of Cobalt in the Buffalo News described it as “Way Gay,” noting, “The queens, the techno, the cocktails, the kind of gyration normally confined to Manhattan was in full flaming force at Cobalt.”

Then there’s Buddies II, which according to the Huffington Post had a float in the Buffalo Gay Pride parade and was more of a local watering hole for bears than a flashy club.The Daily News says:

Buddies II was housed in a Paladino building on Franklin St. in Buffalo in 2005 and 2006, records show. Operating under the name Queen City Entertainment, it described itself as a “bar where anyone and everyone is welcome (and) prejudices are left at the door.”

In other Empire State news, two more suspects were arraigned in the horrific and brutal torture of three gay men by a gang of ten men.


C’mon now, he was just being a good bidnessman. Everyone knows those boys do great things for property values.

@Mistress Cynica: The NYDN article says that the managers of the Cobalt club (read: his son) abruptly converted the club into a str8 club named “Tantra” (cute) and fired all the ghey boy-tenders. Then the Liquor Board shut down Tantra after a stabbing outside the club. The typical cycle of gentrification – gheyz settle it, then the str8 frat boys move in and fuck it all up.

@Mistress Cynica:
and dont forget all that disposable income!

This is a very ‘mob’ kind of set-up. Just like Stonewall. The way gay bars used to be run back in the good old days.

@Dodgerblue: This is my thesis for the gay rights movement as a whole: We got our rights mostly due to our perceived purchasing power. We are extraordinarily brand-conscious and loyal, and once big business figured that out our eventual release from the yoke of oppression was pretty much guaranteed. Eventually.

@Tommmcatt Thinks Masturbation Can Also Involve The Mainstream Media: No shit. The number of corporate logos (some with rainbows worked into them) plastered everywhere during Pride parade makes me feel like I’m at a fucking NASCAR race.

@Tommmcatt Thinks Masturbation Can Also Involve The Mainstream Media: I don’t agree with that at all. At all. But this could be an age issue. You have seen much in your time.

@SanFranLefty: That’s why I don’t go to them. That and the whole… inconvenience factor.

More Ghey News:
Fort Worth City Councilman’s “It Gets Better” speech last night at the City Council meeting. Standing ovation at the end.

One of our new Facebook fans is unclear on the concept. To the post I annotated “Carl Paladino only hates gay-grinding when he doesn’t get a cut”:

are you friggin kidding me? he obviously doesnt give two craps about getting a cut from the gay (same gender sex) community – trying to stir the pot I see

“Same gender sex”? Is that a new one, or have I not been paying attention?

Is the press conference tomorrow going to be about the sacredness of equine bestiality?

@Benedick: Almost as much as you’ve forgotten, I would imagine.

@SanFranLefty: They’d tattoo rent boys if they could get away with it.

Turns out our Facebook fan is a Paladino troll. Anybody’s welcome to play.

@SanFranLefty: You seen that Onion headline that says “Gay Pride Parade Sets Back Mainstream Acceptance of Gays by 50 Years”?

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