Portland Drowns Government in a Bathtub

Say, how are things about two hours north of our Ancestral Home?

The district attorney in Multnomah County, [Oregon’s] most populous area with over 710,000 residents, announced recently that it can no longer prosecute dozens of crimes thanks to an ever-shrinking budget.

Caught with small amounts of heroin, cocaine or methamphetamine? It’s a ticket. So’s a hit-and-run accident. Small-time shoplifting? You’ll still get arrested, but it’s still just a violation.

For these and other lesser crimes, the district attorney will simply refuse to prosecute.

Golly! We didn’t think Mighty Orygun would lead the nation in meeting teabagger demands, but if they can make small government work there, they can make it work anywhere.

Oregon county decriminalizes heroin, meth, cocaine and shoplifting, among others [Raw Story]

Wait a minute. Decriminalizing means fewer prisoners for all the industrialized prisons, which means less tax money flowing to the corporations that own and operate said prisons. How long before the esteemed US Chamber of Commerce gets its panties in a bunch over this travesty of justice?

maybe the bozos are on to something with this smaller government stuff

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