A Series of Leaky Tubes

We have this running game: If you read a given piece of news as coming from the Bush Administration instead of the Obama Administration, what would you think?

Federal law enforcement and national security officials are preparing to seek sweeping new regulations for the Internet, arguing that their ability to wiretap criminal and terrorism suspects is “going dark” as people increasingly communicate online instead of by telephone.

Essentially, officials want Congress to require all services that enable communications — including encrypted e-mail transmitters like BlackBerry, social networking Web sites like Facebook and software that allows direct “peer to peer” messaging like Skype — to be technically capable of complying if served with a wiretap order. The mandate would include being able to intercept and unscramble encrypted messages.

We propose a simpler solution: Require all computers to be equipped with keyloggers, which automatically transmit your typing to the NSA. The Feds swear they won’t look at the data unless there’s a court order.

U.S. Wants to Make It Easier to Wiretap the Internet [NYT]

Or we could just outsource the surveillance to North Korea, given their expertise in the arena and the fact that as a sovereign nation they are not subject to US America laws.

There is porn involved here. There has to be.

It also appears the administration is testing out its malware attack program on the Iranians (unless it’s the Chinese government doing it).

@Dodgerblue: Porn or gaming…does this mean the CIA could wiretape our Scrabble games?

@Dodgerblue: And cheap Viagra. The internet is all about cheap Viagra.

@SanFranLefty: I’m not ashamed of having used “tits” in Scrabble.

@blogenfreude: One one of my gmail accounts, I probably get 100 spam messages/day pushing Viagra, penis enlargement nostrums and watches. They ought to combine them to advertise a pill so powerful that you can strap a Rolex on your dick and tell time correctly all night. “Look, honey, it glows in the dark!”

T/J: So I’m going to Beijing in November, 2 days after I get back to L.A. from Israel. Jet lag!! Anyhow, I hear that the Chinese government blocks Facebook. But — are they sharp enough to block stinque.com?? Developing . . . .

@Dodgerblue: Or advertises kits to set tattoo sundial markings on your loins that you can use with your erect schlong to tell time.

@Dodgerblue: It’s true and their own Google, although I was able to direct it to Google.com after some futzing. If you stay in a government hotel, your laptop will be scanned. I had two gigs over there and both times between 1-4 AM, the anti-hacker detection software I kept on those (Windows-based) laptops went fucking bonkers. The auto scanner was trying literally dozens of scan methods. After that, I just plugged and unplugged from the Ethernet service whenever I had to use my laptop.


I think it’s one guy that’s buying all these dick pills – he’s saving them up so he can build the first space elevator… WITH HIS WANG! :)

@karen marie:

Of all the animals, only Humans are smart enough to invent the exact means of their own demise.

@Tommmcatt Thinks Masturbation Can Also Involve The Mainstream Media:

They are also evidence that chimpanzees evolved from humans. After all, when have you heard of a chimp that had a problem with masturbation?

Oh, for fuck’s sake! We’re gonna need a bigger boat.

@karen marie: I’m trying very hard not to laugh. Very hard. Was he Tweeting about his dog?

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