The Obvious Answer is for All of Us to Stop Eating Fruits and Vegetables

Well, Tucker Carlson was right — Colbert testified in character. And so did Elmo, for the record.


After savaging Bush at the Whitehouse correspondents’ dinner, did you really expect anything less? Colbert is a true believer in the idea that satire often paints a truer picture of reality than straight reporting. I think Colbert and Stewart have proved that point time and time again for the last 10 years.

@Serolf Divad: Actually, yes — the correspondents dinner wasn’t an official government event, and I really thought he’d speak in his own voice at a congressional hearing.

Not to say that congressional hearings are models of civic rectitude. But it’s usually the congresscritters who provide the entertainment.

I was a bit surprised that he testified in character, but thought his message was pretty good. I’m shocked anyone could think he’s honestly a conservative mouthpiece.

I bust out laughing over:

One way to address the labor ills of the agricultural sector, Colbert joked, is for Americans to “stop eating fruits and vegetables … and if you look at obesity statistics, people already have.” Colbert added that his gastroenterologist had suggested that most such food is necessary roughage. Colbert called to submit a video of his colonoscopy into the record.

Colbert also suggested Americans find plants that “pick themselves” and raise the soil level so workers don’t have to bend over.

Was that Maxine Waters checking her Blackberry with a disdainful grimace? Or who?

(Sorry I haven’t memorized the faces of all congresscritters, and I realize there must be plenty of black wymyn in the House these days, but Maxine was the only one that came to mind.)

I love that this can happen — it truly is US American in the best possible way.

If only one lone voice, from a very rich talk show host, could possibly sway the inexorable trend of policy toward that which is best for the least…

@PedonatorUSA: Sheila Jackson-Lee, a batshit crazy Rep from Houston. She goes through staff the way some of us go through vodka.

ADD: Colbert was great in the Q&A with the Congresscritters (cornpacker = gay Iowan) and he goes out of character at about 8:00 and quotes Matthew 25:40 around 10:00 in this video.

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