Christine O’Donnell Patents Innovative Anti-Masturbation Device

Sure, we could tell you what’s going on here, but that would ruin the beauty of the final line of the actual caption:

Eventually, five hours after he first got stuck, Wang was freed.

You don’t really want to know more. You don’t need to know more.

The week in pictures: 24 September 2010 [Telegraph UK, via Daring Fireball]

I dunno if the PTO would accept the construction of a house around an arm as a novel device, much less as a counter-masturbation instrument.

It’s like I never left.

And is there honey still for tea?

He said “wang.”

Random middle aged guy memory: Back in ’76, I used to hang out with a friend whose dad was a lawyer in Paris. As such, he had all the fancy office equipment, including a Wang Office Information System, what would later be called a “word processor” as was the style at the time.

“My father has a Wang,” she said, somewhat haughtily one day.

“Most men do,” I replied.

Re: picture – Worst glory hole ever.

Re: picture. Thing has a new career as a plumber.

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