Delaware Cock-Fighting Season Opens

Delaware Republican Senate primary candidate Christine O’Donnell, whom we’ve managed to ignore despite her pleas for America to quit whacking off — think of the unconceived children, people! — is questioning her opponent’s sartorial choices:

“You know, these are the kind of cheap, underhanded, un-manly tactics that we’ve come to expect from Obama’s favorite Republican, Mike Castle,” said O’Donnell. “You know, I released a statement today, saying Mike this is not a bake-off, get your man-pants on.”

Good advice. And if you hit Old Navy, you can be confident in a comfy fit.

O’Donnell Blasts Castle’s ‘Un-Manly’ Tactics [TPM]

So she said as she adjusted her codpiece.

She is really into pants and gonads that reside in them, this lady. What’s the story?

Random Restroom Fun!

Sign in the coffeehouse can:


Below which somebody scribbled:

And his orchestra

I am so stealing that.

OY! They’re the Fighting Blue HENS! HENS! Much more formidable an opponent than a cock.

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