Swing and a Miss

Title: “Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama”

Author: David Limbaugh

Rank: 2

Blurb: “American voters might have been naïve when they went to the polls in 2008, but New York Times bestselling author David Limbaugh wasn’t.”

Review: “Obama cockily brought a gun to a knife fight only to realize too late that Rush’s Little brother was standing behind him with a baseball bat of truth that leaves him and his administration lying blooded, bruised, and battered on the floor.”

Customers Also Bought: “Why Coolidge Matters: How Civility in Politics Can Bring a Nation Together,” by the National Notary Association.

Footnote: Rush’s Little Brother also wields the Catcher’s Mitt of Wisdom, the Strike Zone of Righteousness, and the Infield Fly Rule of Justice.

Crimes Against Liberty [Amazon]

Buy or Die [Stinque@Amazon kickback link]


Paint It Black… sort of

I see deficits and hate’em cause the preznit’s black
No spending anymore because the preznit’s black
I see his girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until my hatred grows

I see a bunch of laws and they’re all tainted black
I protest on my Rascal and wearing US flag Track pants
I see people roll their eyes and quickly laugh away
Like an anchor baby it just happens every day

I look at my TV and see the preznit’s black
I see deficits and hate’em cause the preznit’s black
So then I’ll teabag away and not have to face the facts
It’s not easy facin’ up when your preznit is black

No more will my GOP spend a stupid buck
I could not foresee Cheney’s words ever haunting us

If I whine about everything under the sun
Barry might go away before the mornin’ come

I see deficits and hate’em cause the preznit’s black
No spending anymore because the preznit’s black
I see his girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until my hatred grows

Hmm, hmm, hmm,…

All I see him tainted, tainted black
Black as night, black as coal
I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky
All I see him as tainted, tainted, tainted, tainted black

“Obama cockily brought a gun to a knife fight only to realize too late that Rush’s Little brother was standing behind him with a baseball bat of truth”


I see deficits and hate’em cause the preznit’s black


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