Never Keep Torture Porn at the Office

“The CIA has tapes of 9/11 plotter Ramzi Binalshibh being interrogated in a secret overseas prison. Discovered under a desk, the recordings could provide an unparalleled look at how foreign governments aided the U.S. in holding and questioning suspected terrorists.” [AP/SFGate, via SFL]


And of course, the CIA lied to a federal judge not once but twice about the existence of the tapes. Perjury much?

Money quote from the article:

Since his incarceration was established at Guantanamo Bay in 2006, Binalshibh has appeared increasingly erratic. Court records show him acting out, breaking cameras in his cell and smearing them with feces.
He has experienced delusions, believing the CIA was intentionally shaking his bed and cell, according to court records and interviews. He has imagined tingling sensations like things were crawling all over him and developed a nervous tic, obsessively scratching himself.
Nine years after his capture, there is no indication when Binalshibh and other admitted 9/11 terrorists will face military or civilian trials.


They’re the Secret Police, Lefty. When you have secret police they do disgusting and illegal things. That’s why the secret part.

@SanFranLefty: And they’ll get away with it. And they’ll keep getting away with it, no matter who the president is. Not to be a conspiracy theorist but the CIA has its tentacles around the government and politicians so much that killing the octopus is damned near impossible.

@SanFranLefty: What kills me is, that there’s no outcry from anyone about “my tax dollars” being used for torture, but we can’t fund abortions or, in some cases, contraceptives with tax dollars because some people find it morally objectionable for their tax money to be used in that away. (Sidenote: when looking at the Oregon/New Federal [as of 8/1] high risk insurance for those with pre-existing conditions, I saw that contraceptive services are NOT covered, thanks to the fucking fundies. Also? almost $500-600 a month for a woman my age, with deductibles of $750-1500. What. A. Joke.)
I find it morally repugnant that I am paying for this sort of barbarity to be perpetrated. Where’s the box on my tax form that says “may not be used for torture”?
We’re gonna need some more cute animals stat.

they are like an alien face hugger. it would kill the patient to remove them.

@Capt Howdy: Is this why they’re keeping Cheney alive? So the next generation can burst from his gut?

Unrelated, but of interest:

One of the commenters over at TPM brought up this, which basically coded into law that zoning regulations etc couldn’t fool with religious expression (roughly; IANAL).

Can’t WAIT to see how the pigfuckers get around that one wrt. the NYC issue…

@al2o3cr: Problem is, everybody’s granting the right to build the not-mosque. The bullying is social, not legal.

@Tommmcatt Cannot Be Arsed To Think About Sharon Angle: I know, I know! I am so easily distracted these days. Work, skool aren’t helping, either. And a lot of the time, I don’t feel witty enough to post.


Oh, posh. Anyone that posts anything is automatically witter than me, as a general rule. Except Benedick. You should post with impunity.

I would just like to take this opportunity to say how much I love and treasure all of you. I find I have no bitterness or rancor in my heart. Unlike some people.

@Benedick: Why Benedick, how kind of you. What I have done to deserve such accolades is beyond me, but I do appreciate it. I’m sure Dodger is properly ashamed of the condition of his inner being. Bitterness is never attractive. But still we persevere, yes?

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