Yes. The Day Did Just Get Even Better.

[Merit Badger, via Boing Boing/LuxMentis]

Heh. TLo have been amusing themselves (and their readers) one this same theme, rechristening the movie Eat Shit and Die and Eat, Pay, Leave.

Twitter wants me to follow “Megan Carpentier”. Anybody heard of her?

@Mistress Cynica: The one place that the nine justices will agree – deny her stay request unanimously and get her to stop bugging them one by one.

@Mistress Cynica:
i already loved you, now you bring me THIS? MUAH !!!
she’s requesting verification of thomas’ signature now??

@nojo: Nah. Never did.

@flippin eck: Eat, Drink, Puke The story of one young woman’s progress through law school where she discovers what it means to partay.

@baked: Can we get her to run with Palin?

@nojo and homofascist: Ha!

Eats Shoots Leaves.

Is this a real zombie movie? I have teh tipsy.

@homofascist: As we Ducks say, Never Trust a Beaver.

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