Six Dead in Albuquerque Workplace Shooting

“A 37-year-old man shot and killed five individuals as well as injured four others in a mass shooting at a Southeast Albuquerque business late Monday morning, according to police… The shooter had a self-inflicted gunshot wound.” [KRQE]


I was going back to ABQ headed east on I-40 this morning after my hearing when three NM State Police cars blew by me. I wonder if the were going in to aid in the response or to cover for other units called to the scene.

@Dodgerblue: She’s a magazine/special sections editor and has no role in hard news these days, although she has been a reporter and directed breaking news coverage as a city editor and assistant city editor in the past.

@redmanlaw: I’d think this would be an “all hands on deck” event, but I really don’t know zip about running a newspaper.

@Dodgerblue: We’re in Santa Fe, and the shooting occurred in Albuquerque, so the Santa Fe paper will probably run the Associated Press story.

Like so:

If Obama had cut taxes on the rich, we’d all have no-show jobs and paid-up houses and this guy wouldn’t have fallen into despair and started shooting. How long before this thesis is aired on Fox News?

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