
Tonight? Spaghetti Carbonara – too wiped to tackle a Julia dish.  But this morning I made an omelette using Julia’s ‘jerking’ technique, filled with onions, shallots, tomatoes, and red bell peppers, and seasoned with the esplenette used to great effect in her piperade. Use the pan she suggests, and enjoy the wonderfully-layered result.


She makes it look soooo easy.

First few times I tried this, I ended up making a serious mess. (Didn’t have exactly the same pan…)

But after practice, it does make a superior omelette. I used to always get them too done. The French would have been appalled at my medium-well to well-done cackleberries.

“…not annymeaure” (/Clouseau)

@pinkoscum: When I did this with 3 eggs, I was fretting about the done time – in the end, it worked out OK. Her 20 second prediction is seriously fast … especially if you don’t cook it hot enough – my initial mistake. But take heart – stove set high and the right pan makes it happen.

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