Mother, Juggs & Expediency

You may have heard that Sarah Palin wants to travel to The Land That Goalies Failed to meet Maggie Thatcher. You may also have heard that there’s little light in the Baroness’s attic these days, which won’t stop Talibunny from getting a photo op, and may force us to reopen the Human Prop category in the 2010 Stinque Awards.

You probably haven’t seen the photos that accompanied the Daily Mail’s story on the subject, however. We reproduce them above, mainly because it took us ten minutes to come up with our headline, and the sole purpose of this post is to justify it.


I doubt very much that Maggie will even know who she is considering the iron lady’s brain is rusted with dementia.

Like Talibunny will notice.

Sport T/J!!!!!

OK. I finally saw the goalie fumble the ball that gave the US team its awesome triumph. All I can say is wow. That poor man. I play soccer Sport better than that. I daresay he was trying to piece together that Keats ode that had been playing about his brain all day. Or perhaps it was the Fauré recital he and the centre forward attended the night before he couldn’t get out of his mond. Either way, he’s going to have to change his name, sell his house, move to another country, and hope for the best.

I can’t contemplate pictures of M Thatcher. I hate too much what she did: ie, throw two generations (at least) of working class men out of work and sell the water to the Franch.

re today’s tweet. no we are not old. we lost our innocence when we started reading mad, and then spy, then the warren report.
our development has been arrested. we are all 9.

I suppose this is as close as her fans will get to the “Weekend at Bernie’s” photo session with Raygun that they *really* want to see.

I hear the Queen already turned her down. The real queen, that is.

@Bennie: heh
@Baked: heh
@Manchu: Argentina is carving up the motherland. Shame I left my 2002 “Be The Reds” shirt at home…

tj/Meanwhile, with no one watching, the administration is working on reauthorization of that piece of shit No Child Left Behind Act under the guise of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (its actual name since way back). Punitive measures for low performing schools and “accountability” are still key components of the law. I’m preparing comments for clients on this now.

I was talking about Mother Juggs and Speed just the other day, what a cast, Raquel, Pryor, and who else? Who would possibly be remembered, next to Welch and Pryor?

TJ from Legal Land, in closing arguments in the Prop. 8 trial, the attorney for the supporters of the ban asked the judge to retroactively void the thousands of marriages entered in May to November 2008, and said that marriage should be limited to heteros because same-sex couples are incapable of “irresponsible procreation,” and that’s why we have marriage.

If that’s the best they can offer, I think I can safely predict Judge Walker’s ruling. Which will get it to the 9th Circuit by election time and to SCOTUS by the 2011-12 term.

@SanFranLefty: Yes, as I said, the proxy battle that will distract the masses from the corporate seizure of sovereignty.

“are we not old?”

listen, all you have to do to appreciate a little life experience is work at a game company. sure. I may be old but its better than being them.

on that subject. we are big at E3. I hope I didnt already post this here.
I am old so I dont remember.

Red Faction: Armageddon E3 Live Demo

Inside Gaming Plus E3 2010: Red Faction Armageddon

IGN review

My wife is not so happy right now. Argentina crushed her native South Korea 4-1 this morning.

Mexico plays France at 2:30, though, so I’ll probably be commiserating soon enough.

@SanFranLefty: I’m not understanding if this case goes to the Supreme court how they can in good conscience hear it? Aren’t five of them Catholic? And hasn’t the church been very involved in the campaign against marriage? And hasn’t the Pope instructed the faithful how to regard this matter? How is it that they could pretend impartiality? Wouldn’t they have to recuse themselves?

@Serolf: Nigeria is hanging tough at 1 up on Greece, and only 10 men on the field. Don’t you think Franch has ‘le bleu’ abit?

Goooooooooooooooooooool Greece!

Add: first ever Cup goal by the Cradle of Democracy.

One of our Lords and Masters let the truth slip, the Chairman of BP:

“We care about the small people,” Carl-Henric Svanberg, who is Swedish, told reporters. “I hear comments sometimes that large oil companies are greedy companies or don’t care. But that is not the case with BP. We care about the small people.”

Yes, the peons, the serfs, the Lords of our planet, they care about us, the small people.

@Nabisco: inventors of the pleated skirt, too, the first cheerleader skirts! Remember when cheerleader skirts were pleated, with a contrasting color concealed within the pleats?

@Prommie: I immediately thought that he hadn’t processed the English put-down correctly. ‘Little people’, being a widely-used term of condescension among the dentaly challenged. Not being a native speaker he might not have grasped its overtones just as I can never remember if it’s ‘INquire’ (UK) or ‘ENquire’ (US). And such as.

@Benedick: Don’t spoil my righteous indignation with facts.

@Prommie: I just thought he was actually trying to at least appear as if he gave a fuck. But tell us more about this two-colored up-skirt pleat thingy that seems to have stuck in your mind for some reason.

@SanFranLefty: I fear what the Supremes will do with this case.

@Benedick: Why would they recuse themselves? They don’t recuse themselves from the lady-bit and abortion cases…Scalia didn’t recuse himself from Bush v. Gore even though his son was on Bush’s legal team…Thomas didn’t recuse himself from Bush v. Gore even though his wife was advising Bush’s election and legal team on media strategy…

Justice Breyer is the only justice who really exercises recusals – he recuses himself from any case coming up from the Northern District of California that his brother the judge heard. Thank the FSM that the ping-pong roller they use in N.D.Cal. to assign newly-filed cases pulled up Walker’s name instead of Breyer’s.

As do I, amigo. Kennedy wrote a great opinion in Lawrence v. Texas in which Scalia correctly predicted in his dissent that Lawrence would become the logical basis for legalizing same-sex marriage. The 64 million dollar question is whether Kennedy will engage in gymnastics to escape any sort of logical consistency with his prior opinion. I fear his Catholicism will trump things, as it did in his absurd opinion on abortion where he prattled on about how women regret their abortions and so we must outlaw them so that the ladies don’t hurt their poor pretty heads with guilt and shame.

The RATS* are beyond hope – and I doubt that any comparisons to Loving v. Virginia will go nowhere, even with Thomas married to a white woman and living in Virginia.

*don’t you like the nickname I just came up with for them?

@SanFranLefty: I wonder if the gay-hating rightwingers know that Walker is gay. Oh boy.

@Dodgerblue: The ones up here do. At least he’s a Republican appointee.

@Serolf Divad: Viva Mexico! Que Viva! It’s the Battle of Puebla II.

Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Raygun: both reset their governments to serve corporate interests at the expense of the working person, both ending their lives addled by dementia. Coincidence or Karma?

@redmanlaw: Mexico never threw out any Hugenots (Father’s side) or Jews (Mother’s). Que Viva!

@Dodgerblue and redmanlaw: I canceled a noon conference call so that I can watch the game. Starts in two hours (right?).

@SanFranLefty: 11 AM, I think. I can’t get Univision streaming on my computer and ESPN3 isn’t working. Do you have any alternatives?

@Dodgerblue: Your local bar? Univision may not be streaming because I think the Greece-Nigeria game just ended. But if you go to the site, look for the column on the right listing today’s matches and click where it says “Ver Partido en Vivo” next to “Francia v. Mexico”

Given the number of Mexicanos in Los Estados Unidos, I worry that Univision won’t have the bandwidth to livestream this game, in which case I’ll be going to the Irish bar up the street from my office. Either that or I’ll BART over to the Mission and watch it at any one of the Mexican bars or restaurants there. Of course if I do that, I may not want to come back to the office at 2.

@Dodgerblue: Of course they do.

@Prommie: Well, sure. Box-pleats are pretty fascinating. I mean, how do they work?

@SanFranLefty: Well, of course. It’s outrageous. Faith is faith – intact, serene and inviolable – but let the law be the fucking law.

@Benedick: Ruh Roh. That’s some pretty easy messaging if Judge Walker does the right thing.

@Prommie: I checked that box, dude. I met my college sweetheart when I was a freshman and she was a sophmore cheerleader, although by “met” I mean I committed her face and skirt to memory until we met about 18 months later on a January school ski trip/alternative energy workshop in Colorado.

By the time we really met, of course, she had ditched the pom poms for running shoes and organic cooking, so I never got to actually see the skirt up close and personal, such as. She did get me to try, and like, fresh beets.

@Nabisco: I hate beets, but appreciate that a man will do anything to get a woman into bed.


Alright, which one of you California Stinquers wants to start the ballot initiative to take the Prop 8 argument to its logical conclusion: ban marriage between couples who are incapable of reproduction, and invalidate any marriage that doesn’t produce offspring in a timely fashion.

The Mormons will probably *love* the idea.

@al2o3cr: I like the movement to outlaw divorce, myself.

@al2o3cr: Not just incapable, but unwilling to reproduce. During the battle over Referendum 71 in Washington last year, there was some talk about including such language as a sort of poison pill – however, that probably wouldn’t dissuade a lot of the haters.

@Dodgerblue: That explains the early crowd heading into Shakespeare’s Pub right now. hasn’t crashed…yet.

ADD: Es Shakira?

@Prommie: The cast was Bill Cosby (Mother), Raquel Welch (Jugs) and Harvey Keitel (Speed) but no Richard Pryor. The movie title was “Mother, Jugs and Speed” while the failed TV sitcom pilot with Ray Vitte (Mother), Joanne Nail (Juggs) and Joe Penny (Speed) was “Mother, Juggs & Speed”. 20’th Century Fox Television needed to protect the children from the word Jugs you know. I think nojo made the right call using the failed TV title comparing Ms. Palin to Joanne Nail instead of Raquel Welch.

@Dave H: Happy accident — I wasn’t aware of the sitcom pilot, and I’ve always associated the double-g with whatever the TV producers were trying to protect me from.

Meanwhile, I’m still in shock that I actually saw Suzanne Somers’ titties in 1973. The swimming-pool assassination is the only thing I remember about Magnum Force, and now it has that fine double-exploitation aroma.

@SanFranLefty: Two notes…

1. Mac audio plug-in filters out Vuvuzelas.

2. HTML gimmick adds a Vuvuzela to any website — including ours.

@Dodgerblue: My coworker’s husband is in South Africa and at the game – he keeps calling and texting her. We got to listen to the national anthems over the phone about five seconds ahead of the broadcast.

ADD: Am I going to have to explain the off-sides rule to you after that goal by Mexico?

@SanFranLefty: Last summer, U2 fans were using cell phones to broadcast concerts in real time to other fans worldwide through a site called 1000mikes that the forums on the band’s website linked to.

@redmanlaw: 1000mikes

My mother’s worst nightmare.

@SanFranLefty: Yes, you are. I take it that it’s OK if the player is not offsides when the pass to him is made, because he sure as shit was past the last non-goalie defender when it got to him.

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