Talibunny Titty Counter-Programming
Due to Nojo’s invitation on the Talibunny titty post, the Stinque Department of Lady-Bits presents our Jon Hamm drink of cool water for the afternoon.
Bonus: A little something-something for TommCatt after the jump.
For Tommie, JNOV, and others who find Jon Hamm too hairy or “meh,” here’s Daniel Dae-Kim:
I’m nothing but full service here.
Fuck yeah.
I would wreck that guy. He would not know what hit him.
@Tommmcat Still Gets Carly Confused With Meg: You’re welcome, darling…
Oh, sorry, I was carried away. Thank you, love.
@SanFranLefty: I see you and raise you Lost’s hottest cast member. QED.
Have I told you, Lefty, that I love you?
Have I told you, Lefty, that I care?
SFL, you have made my day. Thank you.
ZOMG – he’s got that thing — that thing. I used to have a crude name for it — it’s like a muscular treasure trail. Ugh! That lateral lower abdomen thing. Tomm knows what I’m talking ’bout.
It is the front part of the Adonis girdle, and yes, I know it intimately.
@Tommmcat Still Gets Carly Confused With Meg: We would have a great time picking up dudes.
We would, if I were allowed anymore. If I go too far in that direction it will be death by fillipino for me.
DEVELOPING: Just watching Alvin Greene (D-S.C.) on Keef. God damn — this guy needs a basketball ref behind him, giving him a five-second count to answer a question before blowing the whistle. This is not funny — the dude seems to be functionally illiterate.
(BTW: Sorry for being absent lately. Just coming up for air after the Great Joyous Hockey Event that wrapped last night.)
@chicago bureau: Okay, we’ll join you on this thread…
Satellite-feed delay, so don’t blame Alvin for the slow response. Just the vacant response.
@chicago bureau: Then again, Keef sez Alvin’s lawyer was off-camera feeding him lines. So maybe that wasn’t a sat delay.
@chicago bureau:
Congrats on your guys breaking the longest current championship drought in the NHL.
Yay! The Maple Loafs are now the best (at being losers!)
nojo: See, I just jumped right to the top, without seeing this topic being given a specific post. It’s been a while since I posted; I’ll get the hang of it back real soon. Promise.
@tomm: almost suffered death by Filipina wife.
@Tommmcat Still Gets Carly Confused With Meg and JNOV: Is Adonis girdle the official name for that muscle? Cuz all the soccer players have that shit, and rptrcub should realize that it’s reason enough to watch the World Cup. And I always called it the “happy trail muscle” because it was a path a tongue could take. /stinque after darque out
WARNING: Your very own SFL may be doing a World Cup Sport post or two. I get really excited about the World Cup (hot men playing soccer) and the Women’s World Cup (hot women playing soccer that make me wish I had been a better player in H.S.). It is my solemn promise that anytime I bore y’all in the next three weeks with a World Cup post I’ll include a picture of a hawt soccer player – male and female – to keep you all interested.
@chicago bureau: Congrats, baby. They deserved it. We’ve missed you.
@SanFranLefty: I sent you a little sumptin sumptin. Oh, and surfers have it, too.
ADD: And amazingly beautiful backs. Sigh.
@SanFranLefty: I don’t care about the Adonis girdle, but sho nuff on the Cup Posts, I’ll be watching. Most of the matches are at reasonable times here in the land of lotus eaters, although USA v Former Colonial Oppressors has kickoff at midnight local time or something.
ADD: @JNOV: weakness for swimmin wimminz backs, here.
Wait a minute.
The Talibunny posts are not meant to exhibit the flesh of a female of Exemplary Health.
They’re neonazi freak show posts.
@Tommmcat Still Gets Carly Confused With Meg: I thought that was the illiac crest? And I too loves it.
@SanFranLefty: Muchas gracias for the eye candy!
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
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JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Oh! My edits worked! Praise nojo!
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NOJO • The Values We Profess @nojo: Also, I love saying stuff like “heading uptown”. Brooklyn is fun!