One Vowel Short of Greatness

Sully’s husband scores a hit in DC. But in the interest of fairness, let’s Google up a counter-image:

Advertizing Fail [Sully]

All this talk of hymen and dick brought the Xtian singles ad.

@ManchuCandidate: Funny, I have the Progressive Car Insurance ad.

Lift operator was laughing when we rolled up to get in line. He said a season pass holder with the name “Peter Small” had just gone through.

@redmanlaw: Was he there with his cousin Dick Lovely?

Anyway, sometimes the best gifts come in Small packages.


In central Arkansas, there used to be a mega real estate agent named–and this is absolutely true–Dick Longing. We’d drive down the freeway and see huge billboards screaming “DICK LONGING” in one of the most seshally repressed states in the union.

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