We Follow the New York Governor’s Race for the Articles

The Daily Caller: So you’re running for governor of New York. How is this different than the stripper Stormy Daniels running for the Senate in Louisiana or Mary Carey running for governor of California?

Kristin Davis: Those girls are porn stars and I am a businesswoman. They ran as a publicity stunts and I am running to make an important point and to further a reform, Libertarian-based agenda that is common sense and in which I think any New Yorkers privately agree.

Spitzer madam Kristin Davis busts into New York governor’s race [Daily Caller, via Political Wire]

@Tommmcatt Say Relax:
hilarious. you beat me. she looks exactly like a drag queen I used to know.

sans breasts.

She’s got my votes … er, vote.

I love Stormy posts, I really do. But I’m already employing self-restraint to keep from checking the Divorced Mothership to see the inanity of the “four diamonds” comments those frat rats are generating.

She really doesn’t project a lot of “she,” does she?

Thats not stormy, is it?

@JNOVjr: You asked my what “Vegas Brow” is — that is Vegas Brow.

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