Shit Piss Fuck Cunt Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Er, sorry. Some asshole kid got our fucking state legislature to ban cussing for a goddam week, so we have to get the filth out of our system in advance.

Assembly approves ‘cuss-free week’ [Sacramento Bee]

No Cussing Club


Fiddlesticks, I say! Pure poppycock.

They can’t even call it swearing? It has to be cussing? Fucking retards.

It doesn’t stop a junior high school kid from standing on the steps of his school and give a completely non-profane lecture on the joys of necrobestiality.

Somebody should explain to the conservatards that came up with this that most of the “cuss words” got that way ’cause the Norman French didn’t like Anglo-Saxon words. They’ll probably reflexively declare a “more cussing” week, right after they finish their Freedom Fries… :)

@al2o3cr: Examples of Norman Franch swearing roughly translated:

I make pee-pee on your unsuitable costume!

You are far from being intelligent, my friend.

Your face is unattractive even for an Angle.

I sneer in derision at your one-eyed king!

Of course, to get the full effect you need to imagine these insults being hurled at the enemy by men in tights prancing about a beach.

To which the English would reply Fuck you, you wall-eyed French cunt.

I found some allegorical bipartisanship on you tube yesterday.

watch as Charlie (Obama) bites the republicans finger, again

I had great fun poking and provoking the idiotic PUMAs and Obama haters on talkleft yesterday. it you have some time to kill and need a few giggles read through the comments in the thursday morning open thread there.

@Benedick: @Capt Howdy: I call it cussing, but I also do a lot of it, so it’s probably ok on balance.

I might call it that too but I am not a goddamed news paper.

honestly you know the thing about this that is the most fucked up?
with all the problems CA has with it basically circling the fucking financial drain among other things this is what find the fucking time to do.

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