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Think how many more jobs we would have created
if we hadn’t blown off $282 billion in tax cuts!
Medicare for All! Public Option! National Exchange! Whatever!
Deliver toothless stern warnings to Wall Street!

Let war criminals off the hook so we can continue their policies!
Revive nuclear power while completely ignoring nuclear waste!
Clean* Coal! (*Does not apply to existing technology.)
Screw politics — I’m watching curling!

Obama: Donate your Twitter icon for stimulus [Salon]

Main image: James Cauty


Obama’s new email ad should be a pic of McCain and Palin with the caption “It could be worse.”

Otherwise, I got nothing.

great news for movie fans. Tarsem Singe, who directed one of the most beautiful movies you will ever see, The Fall, is directing a “new Greek mythology epic” that he describes as Caravaggio meets Fight Club

the trailer for The Fall is at that link. if you have never seen it, and probably you havent since it was hardly in theaters, I highly recommend it.
its stunning.

The alt-text rivals yesterday’s. Well done, Nojo.

/golf claps

that guys other better known movie is The Cell.
not a great movie but great visuals.

@Capt Howdy: I’m a big fan of Caravaggio. I visited the Villa Borghese in Rome a few years back with my wife and kids. When I walked into the room that holds the six masterpieces, I told them “see ya in a couple of hours” and just sat there.

also a fan of the Derek Jarman movie Caravaggio.
not sure if he is talking about that or the painters works.
either way it sounds amazing.

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