Another Day, Another Knife
Former Republican House Majority Leader and teabagging auteur Dick Armey is outraged that the New York Times would suggest that he’s endorsing the senatorial re-election of the 2008 GOP presidential candidate:
The New York Times reported recently that FreedomWorks chairman Dick Armey has endorsed Sen. John McCain in the GOP primary in Arizona. This is not the case, although this story has been picked up and repeated by countless media personalities and reporters around the country.
This seems to be a good case study in how false information can make its way around the internet and the airwaves before it can be corrected. But we wanted to post a quick statement for all of you who have asked us about this.
False information’s a bitch. Especially when it’s based on true information:
“It’s hard for us to believe that J.D. Hayworth could mount a credible challenge to John McCain. Obviously, we’ll watch the race. But J.D. had a fairly short, undistinguished congressional career with virtually no initiative on his part.” (Dick Armey, Feb. 3)
If teabaggers are anything (besides illiterate and racist), they’re anti-incumbent, not anti-Democrat. And the occasional special election aside, the only incumbents available for target practice right now are Republicans.
Afraid Of Tea Partiers, Armey Withholds Support From McCain In Race Against ‘Undistinguished’ J.D. Hayworth [ThinkProgress]
it will be interesting to see if that race could give that seat to a democrat.
Hayworth is some serious high octane crazee.
@Capt Howdy: Jamie can provide a read on the ground for that sort of thing. But even more than Florida, this is becoming the headline teabagger race for the spring.
thought you would like this:
Professor: We have a ‘moral obligation’ to seed universe with life
and perhaps this
After years of the cringe-worthy pronunciation of nu-cu-lar during the Bush White House, it seemed like we finally had an administration who had a litmus test in staffing their National Security detail – pronounce the word “nuclear.” Not so. During an interview to discuss Iran’s weapons program with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell today, National Security Chief of Staff Denis McDonough definitely uttered the term Nucular. Gotcha! Critics eager for payback? Go!
@Capt Howdy: Another feeble attempt to show they’re not ee-lites, jus’ reg’lar folks.
How about this guy for a new Fox anchor. Note to SFL: he’s an alum of The Farm.
maybe he could co-host Saras new show
Professor: We have a ‘moral obligation’ to seed universe with life
I tried that but Asian guys can’t get pregnant.
but I have been paying child support for little Wang all these years . . .
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