Guns and Neuroses
An email this morning announces that you can win a Remington 770 — or at least the $460 to buy one — in a virtual raffle by donating $20.10 to Kokesh for Congress. “It does not require a majority to prevail,” the email quotes Sam Adams, “but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.”
- Meanwhile, Michael Moore collaborator Meghan O’Hara is working on a documentary about the man who made Kokesh a star — “George W. Bush’s military service in the Texas Air National Guard.” And then she’ll jump into the Wayback Machine and release it in 2004, when anybody might have cared.
- We’d rather watch a documentary about why the “Gun Owners of America” opposes healthcare reform: “nothing within the bill would prohibit rabidly anti-gun HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius from decreeing that ‘no guns’ is somehow healthier.”
- Peronally alleged gun victim (and personally deluded presidential candidate) Lou Dobbs is “reaching out right now to Latino groups.” His campaign will list Purell as a major expense to ward off leprosy.
And Governor Attorney General Moonbeam goes to bat for gun owners and the NRA.
True fact: JFK was a Life Member of the NRA at the time of this death. He was given a complementary membership when he sent official greetings to the national convention in the summer of 1962, I believe. I’ve been reading some American Rifleman mags from the late 1940s to the 1970s that my late father in law saved, which is where I got that report. Also, I have seen the original Klein’s Sporting Goods ad from which Oswald ordered the rifle he used for the assassination.
I would not mind having the Remington 770* in either .308 Win. or .30-06. It would certainly be lighter than the sporterized WW2 rifle I wrote about on thefirearmsblog a few weeks ago.
@SanFranLefty: Yay, Moonbeam. He was my guy in ’92.
GOA are psychos. You all might have a low opinion of the NRA (in which I have a free membership), but those GOA guys make Team Sarah look like philosopher kings. I like the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which is more about promoting hunting and the shooting sports than right wing politics.
* Inexpensive, gets the job done, adequate for hunting on a budget. Gun snobs don’t like the action, looks, etc. Hey, but for $20.10?
@redmanlaw: The power of Ayn Rand compels you.
@mellbell: ? Oh, that. OK. I got it. Nope – it’s the prospect of something for nothing, like buying a Powerball ticket. They gotta give it to someone, right?
BTW, the state chair of the Democratic Party here in New Mexico posted his support for prop 8 and Cali’s Defense of Marriage Act. After taking two torpedoes from me and another guy, it went down within an hour and was scrubbed from his profile.
Jessica Fletcher solves another one!
@mellbell: Good Lord. Just drive in front of a truck like a man.
Dobbs is reaching out to latinos?
next the KKK will be reaching out to blacks.
@Original Andrew: On that note, I’m starting a Murder She Wrote DVD collection.
@mellbell: Pretty impressive that they checked from which direction the letters had been written. I confess that I just tested the theory by pretending to write on myself.
how convenient.
Im not convinced. but I do love a good conspiracy. or even a bad one.
@flippin eck: Depends on the lettering. Some letterforms, such as the capital A in chancery cursive, start with an upstroke; also, cursive forms of e, possibly f, etc. If I were writing “FED” on myself, I would starts with the downstrokes and then the horizontal and half round strokes from the top down also. Do they know how this guy wrote?
We should have a movie night! I love love love all of the P.I. shows from the 80s: Murder, She Wrote; Remington Steele; Moonlighting; Magnum, P.I.; et. al.
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