Mark Shields Craves Dick

Update: Think Progress retracts its characterization of Shields’ comments, which means we have to retract and apologize for our vicious caricature. Darn.

Speaking from the comfort of a DC television studio, Mark Shields pines for a President who waves his member at the world without shame:

It makes me nostalgic for those days when we had a manly man in the White House who could say, “Let’s kick some tail and ask questions afterwards” you know? That’s what we really need instead of any reflection.

We’re sure the families of the 4,363 soldiers killed in Iraq would totally agree with him.

Shields: I’m ‘Nostalgic’ For A ‘Manly Man’ President Who Will ‘Kick Some Tail And Ask Questions Afterwards’ [Think Progress]

Update: Think Progress regrets, as do we:

Yesterday, ThinkProgress reported that syndicated columnist Mark Shields said this weekend on Inside Washington, referring to Obama’s Afghanistan war decision, that he is “nostalgic” for the days when the U.S. “had a manly man in the White House who could say, ‘Let’s kick some tail and ask questions afterwards.’” Shields contacted ThinkProgress this morning and kindly informed us that his comments were intended to be sarcastic. We regret our error in misinterpreting his comments and for questioning his motives. Shields told us that his comments were meant to disparage those who consistently argue that more war will solve America’s problems and that his statement was directed at co-panelist and right-wing neoconservative Charles Krauthammer, who, according to Shields, was displeased with the remark. With a deeper appreciation for his wit, we extend our sincere apologies to Mr. Shields.

A retraction, and an apology to Mark Shields. [Think Progress]

the really really sad part is THIS is the progressive guy. or as close as it gets in the village.

I’m terrible at trying to find things on YouTube so someone else will have to find the clip I’m talking about but …
there’s this great scene in Friday between Ice Cube and his dad (the fabulous John Witherspoon) where Papa Cube tells his son that a real man doesn’t need a gun to fight, just his head and his fists.

This, I think, is a lesson that needs to be taught not just in the LA ghetto but in the halls of Congress.

You would think 8 years of Commander “The Decider” Codpiece would have taught him something. Our pundits is not learning.

Well, he has a point in a more general sense. I’m sure everybody’s wished from time to time that Obama would just swing down to Beck’s show during taping and cockslap the little bastard till he says ‘uncle’. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t do much for the country, even if it would be funny to watch.

Cole is pretty sure Shields was being sarcastic, but I’m not so sure.

@blogenfreude: Is Mark Shields known for his dry wit?

@nojo: I’ve watched News Hour often enough to know he has a sense of humor, but dry wit? Can’t say.

@blogenfreude: Cole was right. Think Progress retracted and apologized; post updated.

he is still no progressive. I stopped watching that show years ago because of him.

the newshour I mean

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