Shovel Ready

He's not bad, he was overdrawn that way.Title: “Jim Cramer’s Getting Back to Even”

Authors: Jim Cramer and Cliff Mason

Rank: 64

Blurb: “Cramer begins with six rules for protecting the money you have and making sure that you have the money you need.”

Review: “If you were helped by Watch TV, Get Rich or Get Rich, Stay Rich then why do you need Getting Back to Even?”

Customers Also Bought: “Picking Winners: A Horseplayer’s Guide,” by Andrew Beyer

Footnote: Rule #1: Don’t listen to Jim Cramer.

Jim Cramer’s Getting Back to Even [Amazon]

Buy or Die [Stinque@Amazon kickback link]


But he did so well telling everyone to buy/hold BoA, Lehman and Bear Stearns.

Jim Cramer’s Six Real Rules for Getting Your Money:
1) Rob a Bank
2) Mug a Goldman Sachs Executive
3) Sell a billion pencils/apples
4) Sell family to organ harvesters
5) Buy shares in Bluth Construction
6) Please please please don’t beat Jim Cramer for his money losing suggestions.

I liked that episode when he screwed with the Puerto Rican parade. Cramer slays me!

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