The Unsinkable Orly Taitz

Nearer, my Birther, to thee.

She’s not going down without a fight, not with a $20,000 fine hovering over her drilling operation. And her boldface-laden eight-page notice of appeal maintains her high standards of political entertainment:

Judge Land’s remarks amounted to nothing short of political lynching, which turned into feast and celebration by the media mob

Aside from a general constitutional issue of members of the military being forced to violate their oath to uphold the Constitution, the undersigned has provided evidence that the members of the military are forced to violate their oath while following orders of Mr. Obama, as the Commander in Chief, who never provided any legal documents proving his eligibility for office as a Natural Born Citizen.

Damn, we forgot that Orly’s Birther case had an Oather angle. But if we were to propose a Grand Unified Theory of Birthers, Deathers, Tenthers and Oathers, we’d have to say the -er word that best describes their collective fear begins with an N.

Birther Taitz Decries ‘Political Lynching’ In New Filing Against Judge’s $20K Fine [TPM]

which turned into feast and celebration by the media

a theme seems to be emerging today. Orly on the barby anyone?

I keep seeing that SaraPac ad. SaraPac. sounds like something you would put on a hemorrhoid.

@Nojo: Nuclear?

But seriously, “But if we were to propose a Grand Unified Theory of Birthers, Deathers, Tenthers and Oathers, we’d have to say the -er word that best describes their collective fear begins with an N.”


“rustlers, cutthroats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperadoes, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, half-wits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswagglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass kickers, shit kickers and Methodists”

@Prommie: No day is complete without a Blazing Saddles quote. “Scuse me while I whip this out!”

During Obama’s presidency, we all live in Rock Ridge.

i think the orly show is the best political entertainment since gary aldridge, but better! she has sequel after sequel! there has to be a sex tape if there’s a god.

@baked: If there’s a god, there will be no Orly sex tape.

I would totally buy one just for the moose and squirrel part.

@baked: Orly plus a senator… Hm… Phil Graham dressed a Franch maid. With a certain amount of spanking.


You come up with images like that, yet you wonder why I give you a hard time…..

I make no apologies to Celine. None. I hate this song, so I take great glee (even though it is not my best effort.)

Every night in my dreams
I see you. I feel you.
That is how you know I sue on.

Far across the distance
There is your foreign based
Real birf certificate.

Near, far, wherever you are
My crazy will go on
Once more you slam that old door
But you’re here in my crazy
And my crazy will go on and on

I can be fined this time
And still go for a lifetime
And never stop till you’re gone

Truth was when I sued you
One true “fact” I hold to
In my life I’ll always sue on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that my crazy go on
Once more you close up the door
But you’re here in my crazy
And my crazy will go on and on

This is some crazy that will not
go away

You’re here, there’s nothing I fear,
And you know that my crazy will go on
I’ll stay forever this way
You aren’t safe in my heart
Till California takes my license away…

Can the judge have her jailed for contempt? That would be awesome.

Ella es muy loco. She should be committed for contempt.

Y’all notice that “birthers” are not getting any press anymore? Republican members of congress no longer make statements supporting their questioning of Obama’s birth? She has effectively killed that insane meme with her obvious insanity.

@Mistress Cynica: That’s what she wants – to be a martyr. A friend of a friend is a California State Bar judge. I’m dying to get the chisme on how many complaints they’ve received on Orly.

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