Orly’s Flying Circus Grounded


Orly Taitz doubled down, as they say in politics. So Judge Clay Land took her bet — and doubled the fine:

After a full review of the sanctionable conduct, counsel’s conduct leading up to that conduct, and counsel’s response to the Court’s show cause order, the Court finds that a monetary penalty of $20,000.00 shall be imposed upon counsel Orly Taitz as punishment for her misconduct, as a deterrent to prevent future misconduct, and to protect the integrity of the Court.

Judge Land, who called Orly’s action “breathtaking in its arrogance” and said it “borders on delusional,” was also kind enough to provide more ammo for the ethics complaint with the California State Bar:

When a lawyer files complaints and motions without a reasonable basis for believing that they are supported by existing law or a modification or extension of existing law, that lawyer abuses her privilege to practice law. When a lawyer uses the courts as a platform for a political agenda disconnected from any legitimate legal cause of action, that lawyer abuses her privilege to practice law. When a lawyer personally attacks opposing parties and disrespects the integrity of the judiciary, that lawyer abuses her privilege to practice law. When a lawyer recklessly accuses a judge of violating the Judicial Code of Conduct with no supporting evidence beyond her dissatisfaction with the judge’s rulings, that lawyer abuses her privilege to practice law. When a lawyer abuses her privilege to practice law, that lawyer ceases to advance her cause or the ends of justice.

Orly has thirty days to pay up, or the fine goes to the U.S. Attorney for collection.

Orly Taitz Sanctioned for $20,000 [Washington Independent]

Judgment Day: Birther Taitz Fined $20,000 For Misconduct [TPM]


Judge Land, who called Orly’s actions “breathtaking in its arrogance” and said it “borders on delusional,”

The same way that Hannibal Lecter borders on not being a nice fellah.

(p.s. sorry about the simu-post, NOJO. Guess we hit “publish” at about the same time.)

@Serolf Divad: No problem — I’d rather have the Marx Brothers at the top anyway.

It’s nice to occasionally see the nutbags get the correct response.

Hopefully this will return Orly back to her day job as a Cavity Creep.

@ManchuCandidate: I wouldn’t let that woman’s hands within a mile of my pearly whites.

In an attempt to prove my theory that there is a Slavic Irrationality Disorder, I consulted the various statements drug Milosevic made at the Hague before his shuffled off. Nope, Orly is in a class all by herself.

@SanFranLefty: Heh. I’m trying to choose a dental plan here and decided to pay the extra cabbage for the “non-Orly option”.

Obama can now openly say that birthers “appear to be delusional,” because a federal judge has so found.

Waited all day to say this:


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