More 9/12 Fun

I love it when he states actual facts, and they look at him like he just sprouted a third eye (and I love mohawk guy).

And check out a new site: Look at This Fucking Teabagger.


No sound on this machine but the signs all look like snippets from the Beck and Limbaugh shows. Does that all it take to get people running around unruly: repetition of ridiculous fabrications?

I don’t get the USA!USA!USA! chant. Aren’t these nutjobs in the USofA? Morans.

@blogenfreude: This is hilarious. Nojo, can you get a camera and make an ACORN sign and interview a couple of people sitting in front of it, claiming they break into maternity hospitals and eat babies, and talk about recipes and stuff?

I only watched long enough to see that this was not a political protest, it was a lunatic asylum without walls. About 30 seconds.

OK, food porn TJ; tonight at Wegmans they had fresh wild king salmon. Ohmygod. Farmed salmon, you suck. I dusted the salmon filet with adobo and black pepper, and seared it in a mix of olive oil and canola oil, then, when almost done, added a shot of good vodka, and a bunch of sliced scallions, flambeed the alcohol off, added some lemon juice, black pepper, and butter, melted the butter and reduced it all a bit and served it simply, with the lemon-pepper-vodka pan juices. Just divine.

@Promnight: You have to at least watch it until the guy with the mohawk comes on. It’s in the rules.

@blogenfreude: Its more fun browsing through,

Its important to delve deep here, its unbelieveble.

@blogenfreude: My favorite is “District of Corruption” lady. I had a lot of fun with the anti-DC crowd on Saturday. Managed to shut up most of them with a simple “But I live here, and I don’t think I’m a bad person…”

Somebody needs to clue the guy at 0:22 in – most of his fellow marchers aren’t really bothered by the thought of more dead black people…

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