Maru Has Yet More Competition
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The little chirp he makes just melts my cold, cynical heart.
Apple marketing is shameless.
Have you guys seen Drunk History? The true story of Oney Judge.
@nojo: My Snow Leopard is teh awesome!
@Benedick: Except I installed it and failed to download a software program called Rosetta that allows you to actually open MS Word or Excel. I realized this the other day when I popped my laptop open on a two hour Amtrak trip to Sacramento and got the “We’re Sorry but you must connect to the Tubez and download Rosetta” message. You probably heard my high pitched screeching from 3000 miles away. I was forced to write things by hand, and my arm still hurts.
@SanFranLefty: Ah. It’s an option on the installer. In fact it’s on the installer but you have to ask for it to be loaded. It installed itself automatically when I opened Word by mistake (my eyes! my eyes!!!!). I never use W these days as Pages is so terrific. Still, I can see how that might be annoying. I’m surprised the train doesn’t have wifi.
@Benedick: Well, Mr. SFL did the installation and missed that detail. I have to use MS Word b/c that’s what everyone uses who I work with uses.
The Caltrain that runs from San Jose to SF has wi-fi, but the Amtrak Capital Corridor that runs from Oakland to Sacramento (and occasionally on to Reno) does not. I was frantically trying to access wifi when we stopped at stations en route, especially at the UC Davis station. Luckily the City of Sacramento has put free wifi in all over the city, including the train station, so I was able to be more productive on my way home.
Does Amtrak have wifi on the Boston-NYC-Philly-Baltimore-DC line yet? That would kill the Delta Shuttle’s business once and for all.
We have four (or five?) feral cats leftover from a next-door neighbor who died without provisioning for them. Tonight, after two or three years, I finally got quality time with one of them. She was so sweet, so respondent to every t0uch, and I just wish we could invite her into our home. Unfortunately, whenever doggy gets nearby she makes it clear she’s ready to claw his eyes out.
@SanFranLefty: I don’t know about the DC to Bahstan line yet, but I’ve seen tons of folks typing away on the Acela. I have an external AT&T antenna that keeps me connected almost anywhere, but the cost is redick.
Do I need this Snow Leopard? How long can I wait?
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