Now we know why he fessed up.


That’s why they’re trying to kill the media, man!

Dear God. What has Andrea Mitchell done to her face?

And now the attack machine will go after Gina Smith.

BTW. ‘Intrepid’? What is she: Nancy Drew?

@Benedick: I was so distracted by the facelift(s) that I could hardly pay attention to what was being said.

@Benedick: See, that’s why I only listen to most videos. I haven’t seen Andrea Mitchell in six months or so.

And this will not do. Not at all. Sex w/ a straight woman = 1 point. Christianist hypocrisy = 1 point. Disappearing for a week = 1 point. That’s 3 weak diapers, and that’s being generous. Now if the woman is a stripper, or a hooker, or a former staffer, we’ll revisit.

If Sanford resigns, Lt. Gov. Andre Gayface Bauer will take over, which will make for even more delicious scandals once it’s revealed that he likes to give hummers at the I-85 welcome center.

I gave it double thanks to the media spectacle.

@blogenfreude: Or Franch.

BTW. Getting robocalls from NOM to encourage me to call my state senator. Which I did. Seems like our intrepid Dems have actually brought marriage equality to a vote in a house that has no credibility whatsoever. Of course I called him. Now I want to call NOM to thank them for the reminder.

@ManchuCandidate: Agreed — the Circus Multiplier is what provides the entertainment value, as well as the dashed presidential hopes and RML’s Argentine Firecracker. This would be conventional, except for the way it played out.

@blogenfreude: I concur. Though I might throw in one more diaper for the surreal confession.

I only caught the last half or so, but he seeemed bizarrrely determined to share the boring details of how the relationship developed.

Did Endless Cummer with its wetsuits, diapers, autoerotic asphyxiation, kid-touching and toe-tapping spoil us for the run-of-the-mill vanilla sex scandals we’ve been seeing from the GOP of late?

Buddy informs me that Fox identified Sanford as (D-SC).

Talking head ID’d as “MSNBC Contributer”. Normally I’d excuse chyron mistakes, but that word is probably one of the most used in cable news.

@SanFranLefty: Andrea looks like a SIM character. Unreal. Reporter Girl is going to the Queen of the Newsroom until her paper folds.

@Benedick: And now the attack machine will go after Gina Smith.

To start with, she looks like she just stepped out of Fargo.

And as we type some *ahem* leftie in Hollywood is negotiating with her for the rights to her life story.

He doesn’t score well in scandal-driven diapers, which require serious kink due to the high bar set during Cocktober and Endless Cummer, but he’s off the charts in stupidity points. A sitting governor, with presidential aspirations, thinks he can leave the country for a week to boff his non-American, possibly-been-in-country-illegally mistress without anyone wondering where he is, leaves no credible story for his staff, puts no one in charge, leaves his family over Father’s Day weekend (Family Values®!), and then tries to lie and cover it up before conducting a weirder-than-Blago presser. Moran can’t think his way out of a paper bag. There will be bonus points if it turns out hot Latina GF was once the kids’ nanny, even more if she was paid off the books.

I think it needs to be mentioned that on the Southern Politician With Presidential Aspirations Scale, we’re short one baby.

For srsly, you just cannot make this shit up.

A book editor would laugh you outta their office if your novel featured Republicans who were such cartoonish buffoons.

The only truly unbelievable part is that the target of his pocket rocket is a woman, but then again we all know what’s coming next.

I should also take responsibility for the fact that my “homos only” domestic partnership destroyed his opposite marriage 3,000 miles away like a glitter-covered ICBM. Srry!

@Original Andrew: Look, he still believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman. He just doesn’t want to fuck his wife any more.

@Original Andrew: The married straights hate you for your freedoms.

TPM reports that Sanford and Ensign belong to the same bible study group in D.C.

@Dodgerblue: Guess they were studying the parts dealing with begating and god asking dudes to lie with other women.

@Dodgerblue: Let me guess: specializing in Revelations and, in Sanford’s case, Exodus.

@blogenfreude: I think “bottom line” is covered in Leviticus.

@Dodgerblue: Looks like someone’s been cutting class.

@redmanlaw: No, they studied the Eight Commandments. They hadn’t gotten to adultery and lying in the syllabus.

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