To the Manor Born
Jane Hamsher annoys me sometimes, but she makes sense in today’s post about replacing my junior senator:
Everyone seems to be salivating because Caroline Kennedy called David Patterson [sic] and is apparently interested in the Senate seat being vacated by Hillary Clinton.
It’s a truly terrible idea.
Her leadership could have been really helpful when the rest of us were trying to keep the progressive lights on and getting the stuffing beaten out of us by a very well-financed right wing for the past eight years. But when things were tough, she was nowhere to be found.
But what really resonates with me is this:
There’s an enormous problem in the Senate right now with entitlement, with the sense that its members owe their allegiance to each other and not to the public. Witness Joe Lieberman’s recent confirmation of Homeland Security Chairman, when Democratic Senators circled the wagons and helped him hold on to power — despite the fact that he refused to hold hearings into the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina and protected billions of dollars in contractor graft from being investigated. Nobody, including Howard Dean, seemed to think that his performance record as head of the Committee was something that should even be taken into consideration.
The new Senate is going to face incredible challenges in the upcoming session, and we’re lucky this year that it will be infused with some much-needed new blood. It’s not a place for anyone to be wearing political training wheels. If Caroline Kennedy aspires to that lofty perch, let her run for something first — her name recognition, political connections and ability to fund raise should make it a cake walk. It could be a tough year for Democrats in 2010. It would be good to have her in the game.
Caroline in the Senate is a dumb idea. It’s not quite as dumb as giving Newt Gingrich’s daughter a wingnut-welfare-financed platform because she’s Newt Gingrich’s daughter, but it’s close.
Caroline Kennedy? Thanks But No Thanks [firedoglake]
Shorter Jackie **GINGRICH** Cushman [Sadly, No!]
That doesn’t look anything like Jonathan Rhys Meyers.
@nojo: Seriously – Keith Michel was much closer. Henry had those little pig eyes and a small, cruel mouth – even Holbein couldn’t hide that – yet he’s often played by Brad Pitt types. Disturbing.
The nepotism and palling around that make up Washington don’t need any help from governors who have to appoint replacements. Take the governors out of it and hold special elections. If the rich and politically connected are going to take Senate seats, at least make them pay for a shortened campaign to do it.
@blogenfreude: Is there is anyone even being considered for senator from NY who isn’t some kind of political legacy? We might as well be living w under a hereditary aristocracy.
@Mistress Cynica: Nadler is my preference … he’s not titled, he came up the hard way.
Almost as sickening as Almost Dead Fucking Ted Fucking Kennedy wanting his wife to inherit his seat when he kicked off. Isn’t she the twit that has books like “Our Rights: Way Nice” ghost written for her?
@Signal to Noise: We should just auction the Senate seats the fuck off on eBay. Obama got 3/4 billion and, hey, he’s still kinda to the left of Ghenghis Khan.
At least its one less unemployed person.
From the news today, one good thing, I have read a report that today Obama was asked what he thought of the workers in Chicago who have taken over their closed factory after being given 3 days notice they were out on the street. He said, quite simply and directly, “They’re right.” Wow. Fucking wow. Thats amazing.
The bad news, the Times analyzed the unemployment numbers, noted that the nmber of people thrown out of the unemployed catergory because they were assumed to have quit looking was over 600,000, and the number of part time workers also increased by over 600,000, the largest increase in one month ever. Ist worse, in other words, than the numbers say, and will continue to get worse, and the ripple effect, multipplier effect, will make it still worse.
We are fucking fucked.
blogenfreude: He’s already talked himself out of it, but David Patterson in the Senate would be teh awesome. Dude needs to be on the national stage. You’d have to be blind etc. etc.
@blogenfreude: I heart Jerry Nadler. What a mensch. He was one of my favorite Congressmen when I dealt with the Hill.
Anthony Weiner would be fun for pure entertainment purposes.
But the PUMAs are harassing Gov. Paterson like nobody’s business that it has to be a woman. So I’d put my money on Carolyn Maloney or Kirsten Gillibrand (if the Gov wants to acknowledge that an entire state exists north of Westchester County).
@Promnight: Well, the bad economy is getting illegal guns off the streets of L.A.
@SanFranLefty: And then there was NOW or Feminist Majority who’ve already endorsed Maloney saying they’d have to rethink it if the Schloss were interested. WTF? Are you kidding me?
It makes me sick to see all these idiots creaming themselves over the Schloss and for what? Just cuz she’s daddy’s little girl? The dude died over forty years ago. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!
@SanFranLefty: Here’s my fav part of that story: “Turning in assault rifles yields double that amount.”
There was a horrendous shootout at a Bank of America robbery here a few years ago. The cops were so outgunned, they broke into a nearby gun shop to get some high-velocity weapons.
@Dodgerblue: This the W Hollywood BofA – guys wearing Kevlar vests and shit?
@SanFranLefty: Clever way to disarm the poor.
they did this in philly a few years ago. i think it was $100. per gun.
they got a few guns off the street, then within months it became what it is today-the murder capital of the nation.
just weeks ago there were 9 unrelated murders on one saturday night.
that same week they arrested a 14 year old gun czar with hundreds of assault rifles. the city of brotherly love indeed. the police are waaay less armed than your average jr. high high school kid in north philly.
i felt safer in jerusalem than i did in center city philadelphia.
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
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JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Oh! My edits worked! Praise nojo!
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