Maru Sells Out

Crazy for kittehs: the quest to find the purring heart of cat videos [Wired, via Sully]

This site needs an animal mascot, to help with the monetization. I vote “drunk waterskiing billy goat”.

Hola amigos,

Pues bien, my flight to España leaves in just a few hours, giving me precious little time to go back and edit all of my previous week’s comments for spelling and grammar–ay caramba!

I’m not taking una computadora portátil, so I’ll check in when I can find un café al internet.

¡Abrazos a todos y adiós!

He’s a cat – does he get even get 15 minutes? Please make it go away …

Look. Maru has been tortured with cereal boxes, paper bags, and impossibly-small boxes for over a year now.

She? deserves her due. I mean, she’s damn near fat as ‘Catt. (Maybe she’s Hiiiiigh.) She must be kept in food.

Bullshit! I have to go to SF to play with Maru? Like, Maru will be there in person? Maru is gonna be hella tired. Maru should go on strike.

@blogenfreude: You can’t introduce Maru to us and then take it back.

@nojo: So what? Our honey badger can outsnark their honey badger any day of the week. Plus, Ord does it soaked in gin.

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