Nation’s Fact-Checkers Kick Into Overdrive

On Paul Ryan’s claimed sub-3:00 marathon: “Runner’s World has been unable to find any marathon results by Ryan. Requests for more information from Ryan’s Washington and Wisconsin offices, and from the Romney-Paul campaign, have so far gone unanswered.”


I call bullshit.

A 3:30 marathon is approximately an 8 minute per mile pace. Sub 3 is around 7 minute per mile pace which is some serious running speed if you’re a weekend runner type aka Kenyan like. FYI, to qualify for Boston is 3:05 to 3:15. It takes about 1 1/2 to 2 years to get a running time close to that from the usual 4+ hour marathon first one

I think someone felt insecure about his manhood and threw out a number not knowing what it really meant.

Paul Ryan = Rosie Ruiz in US Amercian.

@ManchuCandidate: Runner’s World includes some context:

John Edwards has run 3:30; George W. Bush has run 3:44; Sarah Palin has run 3:59; and Al Gore has run 4:58.

So sure, a fit dude of 42 could clock 3:30, maybe a little less, and live to brag about it. But you’re right: Ryan is overcompensating.

@matador1015: That flitted by yesterday amidst all the distractions, and I’m not sure what to make of it. Good for a Koch Brother to express pause with the Republican platform — but he’s still putting a fortune behind it. It’s not news until he turns off the spigot.

@nojo: Even if he is, if the Kochs go to war with each other and the GOP over ideology, it would be a distraction for the Far Right. Better stock up on popcorn.

@matador1015: True. And Weigel — I’m bored enough today to be reading political blogs before dinnertime — suggests that there’s an opening for a Koch-approved tax increase.

So yes, David Koch might be a canary in a coal mine. But I’d hold off on the popcorn until Grover responds.

Paul Ryan’s noodling claims need to be investigated. I call bullshit.

Well of course John Edwards ran a marathon in record time. He can do anything. And look mighty fine while doing it, too.

This made me think the Kochs need someone malleable in office who will carry out their instructions. They mention tax raises but do they mention whose taxes get raised? David Koch is a major arts funder in the NYC area. Which is why I find it ignoble and demeaning that arts organizations (I’m looking at you, ABT) should be forced to pander to him.

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