The Rumstud Chronicles

Title: “Known and Unknown: A Memoir”

Author: Donald Rumsfeld

Rank: 4

Blurb: “Features his blunt, firsthand opinions about some of the world’s best-known figures, from Margaret Thatcher to Elvis Presley, from Henry Kissinger to Colin Powell, and about each American president from Dwight D. Eisenhower to George W. Bush.”

Review: “I just wish the RUMSTUD had included more details about his days as a competitive wrestler, and some pictures of himself in the locker room at Princeton. I’d much rather think about the RUMSTUD with his sweaty wrestling singlet peeled down to his waist then about Condoleeza Rice in her Ferragamo pumps. I like to fantasize that one afternoon (while my husband is out playing golf with his hedge fund buddies) the RUMSTUD invades our bedroom and puts me in a full nelson while Bill O’Reilly works me over with a falafel. I hope you get the picture!”

Customers Also Bought: “Pieces of Intelligence: The Existential Poetry of Donald H. Rumsfeld”, by Hart Seely

Footnote: Yes. Rumstud. Clearly we weren’t paying attention at the time.

Known and Unknown [Amazon]

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Apparently, he doesn’t just look like Robert Strange McNamara, but he’s even more oblivious and has worse decision making skills.

Book Known and Unknown
Despite Rummy’s best effort
Truths are way fewer

That’s the Ancestral Homeland’s sacred (for reals) mountain in back of Rummy, btw. He has a little ranch there. Mrs RML met him when she was covering Julia Roberts’ wedding for People magazine several years ago. He was at a Fourth of July fiesta parade in a little Hispanic village with just one aide, so she went up to talk to him. Turns out he was at Julia’s for a pre-wedding party that week just because That Kind of People all just hang out together in the stratosphere.

…..Aasnnnd the assult on my fantasy life continues. Is nothing sacred? Now wrestling togs are out.

@redmanlaw: The tribe should trademark the mountain and demand royalties from the Rumstud Fucktard.

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