
Pawlenty, portrait, both emerge into limelight [Minneapolis Star-Tribune]

“My Endorsement:” [NRO]

Tim Pawlenty, still looking for a buyer to acquire his heavily discounted soul, decides to pick on a girl to show his manhood:

While repeating his previous comments that he’d defer to doctors on Bachmann’s particular health situation, Pawlenty said broadly that presidential hopefuls have to be up for the rigors of the job.

“All of the candidates I think are going to have to be able to demonstrate they can do all of the job all of the time,” he told reporters after an event in Indianola.

He added: “There’s no real time off in that job.”

Of course FDR fought World War II from a wheelchair, but that’s nothing compared to a headache.

Pawlenty says WH hopefuls must be able do the job [Politico]