Flaming Homers

“Burn a Koran” pastor tells Petraeus to fuck off.

“I don’t want my guys to be party poopers, but we have a job to do… They’re not bad people, but they like to use drugs.” –Mark Pirtle, BLM special agent, explaining the police presence at Burning Man. [AP/Raw Story]

Our afternoon guest columnist is holstering their weapon, following news reports that suggested otherwise.

Right Wing Extreme has pulled support for the International Burning of the Koran day and will not attend the event. After much thought and prayer the organization’s leadership determined this event does not glorify GOD in way that leads the lost to Jesus Christ. “We also believe the liberal media is intentionally using stories such as the burning of the Koran to distract, divide, and enrage the public says the organization’s leadership.

“Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” James 1:19

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