Holy Quagmire, Batman!

This is new to us. We feel compelled to express this fact, since Adam West remains our Batman, where by our we mean Wednesdays and Thursdays same-bat-time-same-bat-channel, and we would presume that our inner seven-year-old wouldn’t forget something like that nearly a half-century on.

Unless it came out during the third season, which we’ve mostly sublimated because (a) no cliffhangers, and (b) the Batgirl theme is really stupid. In that context, a pro-Vietnam message would have been the least of our concerns.

[via Comics Alliance]

Then there is Julie Newmar……….

@JNOV: No complaints about Eartha, but Julie got there first, and seven-year-old Nojo doesn’t understand recasting. Same reason he doesn’t like Gomez Addams as the Riddler.

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