Condoleezza Rice Determined to Strike in Gallery
“Rice hit a spectator on the sixth hole at Pebble Beach on Thursday after a bad swing went 50 yards into the gallery. The ball smacked the female fan in the forehead, causing what was later called concussion-like symptoms…” [Yahoo, via Political Wire]
Are we sure it was a concussion and not Benghazi flu?
They call that an Operation Iraqi Freedom in golf.
They let women play in the pro-am?
At least she didn’t use a shotgun–she could have taken out the rest of the foursome. Dick is jealous.
You all so nailed it – as the actress said to the bishop. But I’m entirely drunk. On account of Snowpocalypse. Disregard any messages from here.
Stinque. Where overshare goes to die. I miss prom. And drunkyclown. I miss the fierce urgency of whatever. What the hell is baked doing? I’m in Bella withdrawal here. And kisses to Lynn. Jnov knows she is dug in my yard. But hey Cpt How. Good to see you. And Peggynooner and all.
Carry on. I’m on frozen vodka shots while the dogs fight over blue balls.
she was just hitting on her.
I just got to turn my stoner nephew on to the Squidbillies..
he had somehow incredibly never heard of a tv show about his family.
Bill Murray’s moustache looks like the caddyshack gopher.–golf.html
@blogenfreude: I LOVE THAT SHOW! The older one. The older Traffic is good, too, but I like the newer one’s use of color.
@blogenfreude: I also vote for The Invisible War (on PBS if not Netflix), Hellraiser, Rocko’s Modern Life (introduced me to a diggerydoo), and it’s nice to see that Cromartie is getting work.
ADD: My Twins Peaks marathon ended in Much Pissed Off. Right, @flypaper?
@CaptHowdy: Dan Halen roxx.
@Benedick: I muss Baked too. I think she moved again, maybe she’s busy?
On a happier note, I am moments away from dinner with the fabulos Mistress Cynica! Alert the media!
@Benedick: Can’t you go out and bloviate at the storm to make it go away? It works with everything else.
@Tommmcatt Can’t Believe He Ate The Whole Thing: Did I ever tell you how much I want you in a carnal manner? I don’t care how big your butt is. It can be as big as a Boston T train. And it probably is. But that’s not the point. I love you for who you are. Perhaps your butt has its own zip code but that only makes it more lovable. You’re meeting up with Cyn? That’s so great. She’s doing prison outreach?
@Benedick: I’m having dinner with the lovely Cyn tomorrow. I hope I can, uh, measure up to Catt.
The LA Stinquers know how to show a girl a good time.
PS he stopped by to tell me that he had, that very day, completed his GED. so I could ease up with the plotting manipulating bribing threatening etc.
I have such a headache.
@Dodgerblue: How big is your butt?
@Benedick: Why didn’t you say so before?!?!!?? I’m right here, big boy. Just bring a couple dwarves with push-brooms to keep the folds up.
@Mistress Cynica: It’s easy when we have such a lovely, gracious guest.
@JNOV: Bigger than a breadbox but DEFINITELY smaller than, say, New York. The state, not the city.
Oh, wait, no that’s my butt. Dodger has the hind-end of a fifteen year old cheerleader. I have it on good authority.
@CaptHowdy: Incidentally, can I tell you how upset I am that that certain video game was shelved? I would have bought it in a heartbeat.
@Tommmcatt Can’t Believe He Ate The Whole Thing: Pssst. We’re not talking about butts.
Is Bene still passed out?
@JNOV: He may need some “alone time” after conjuring up his Tommmcatt prison fantasy.
@Walking Still: +1
ADD: Tomm is a looker! <– trufax
@JNOV: Flattery will get you everywhere…
@Tommmcatt Can’t Believe He Ate The Whole Thing: Not with you, I’m afraid.
@JNOV: Well, everywhere but there.
@JNOV: Catt is a handsome devil. As to my butt, one is reminded of the jazz standard “How Big Is The Ocean.”
@Tommmcatt Can’t Believe He Ate The Whole Thing: Send me a ticket to LA.
@Dodgerblue: Please. Still spinning?
Well I was up bright and early, feeling like a million, lovely day following the storm. Anyone around here have ASPCA animal insurance? I’m thinking of getting it.
@Benedick: How bad was it? Overhyped or no?
@Benedick: It doesn’t cover humans.
@Tommmcatt Can’t Believe He Ate The Whole Thing:
Not overhyped where I was.
The people who refused to believe and whined that the weatherman is usually wrong are kind of eating yellow snow today (or should be.)
@Benedick: Was thinking of asking, how about some pugs-in-the-snow photos?
@Dodgerblue: Without pictures, it didn’t happen.
@flypaper: Um. I’ve heard that, too…
Good to see you, flypaper.
@Tommmcatt Can’t Believe He Ate The Whole Thing: Here wasn’t bad at all. About a foot of snow. But all the local townships are so well prepared that it takes a lot to stop them. They were on the roads before 5, as was our plough guy. Didn’t lose power. Didn’t run out of vodka, thank God. It was much worse nearer the coast. CT, MA, ME all had a bad time. Also NYC. I have to go there tomorrow.
@Dodgerblue: It’s a bit deep for them. The puppy has a bad sprain so we’re not venturing into the woods for a couple of days while she lies around on pillows being hand-fed roasted chicken.
@JNOV: thanks. I rarely stick around (/rimshot/) but snow+Sunday=boredom.
@flypaper: Yeah. I’m waiting for the sun to come out (HAHAHAHAHAHA!) so maybe I’ll actually go do something today besides eat Boston Creme donuts (they call them something else here), and hibernate.
I think the sun is rising at 7:28 today. Not that I’ll see it.
ADD: I hit the button for ya!
@ManchuCandidate: You’re in Canada for Chrissakes! Isn’t this de rigueur? Go play hockey or something. :-P
You would think so but a lot of people don’t understand odds and statistics or get that when the weather man/woman isn’t always right but it doesn’t hurt to listen because one might end up in a world of shit if he/she is right.
We have a number of dipshits living here.
@Benedick:When I was but a kitten, We lived for some time in South Lake Tahoe, where it was common for the snow drifts to reach the eaves of the house. So I’m always amused by the freaking out about snow, kinda… although I know they’ve had it terrible on the New England coast.
@JNOV: I’m waiting for the sun to come out.
Now, now, June will be here before you know it.
@Mistress Cynica: It wasn’t the Wet that finally drove me south. It was the Dim.
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread @JNOV: Haven’t touched a thing — checked it the other day, worked from here. But that’s my…
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Oh! My edits worked! Praise nojo!
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Glad you’re feeling sunny. I have my moments which are then squashed by some shitheads’…
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: The Long View: 1972: Nixon 61% 1984: Reagan 59% 2004: Bush 51% 2024: Trump 50%…
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread Power is power, but… About 11 million votes remain to be counted. Nate Silver (I know, I know)…
JNOV • The Values We Profess Yeah. So. When my kid came back from basically getting frog-marched from a store downtown (the…
JNOV • The Values We Profess @nojo: We love you! I was thinking, even though we don't truly celebrate x-mas, some people in…
NOJO • The Values We Profess @nojo: Also, I love saying stuff like “heading uptown”. Brooklyn is fun!