Distinguished Oscar-Nominated Actor Curses Out America

As a Stinque Customer Service, we clicked all over the damn place to find the unbleeped version of Sam Jackson’s new “Wake the Fuck Up”. You’re welcome!


Even though my vote here in NYS means nothing, I will vote. Important to send a message that, if nothing else, Obama needs to veto all the stupid shit that will land on his desk if the Senate goes GOP.

@blogenfreude: It does count, in terms of Republicans using a slim popular vote to deny the effect of an electoral landslide.

They’ll deny anyway, but still.

Great. Now I have to resend the un-bleeped version to all my friends.

Thank you . . . anyway.

@nojo: @karen marie still has her eyes tight shut: nojo said more or less what I meant – of course if I was a Republican in my 10023 ZIP code I’d stay home. No point in going. On the other hand, if I was a Republican I’d be nuts, and I’d go vote. Then I’d shout at an empty chair.

@blogenfreude: Also, in California, we have eleven statewide measures — which means eleven opportunities for well-heeled organizations to put one past us. The voter guide is a biannual obstacle course.

@nojo: NYS has no real ballot initiatives, not like CA.

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