Wingnuts Respond to Empty-Chair Parodies with Empty Chairs

National Empty Chair Day (photos from around country) [Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion]

Recall that the owner of the blog you link won one of our most prestigious awards. He is dumber than a bag of hammers.

I forget who said it recently, but the problem with Republicans trying to be funny is that humor requires a taste for truth.

Which explains The Tragedy of Dennis Miller: It’s not that he turned Right, but that he became a Hack.

Wow. In a world of poodles Bad Law Professor is out there leading a pack.

They don’t seem to understand the point of the empty chair. In fact they seem to have it backwards.

@nojo: I’d suggest that it requires the ability to find oneself ridiculous.

How long is “National Empty Chair Day” supposed to last?

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