While I Bravely Proselytized in France and My Sons Bravely Campaigned for Me

Our guest columnist makes up in gall what he lacks in caffeine.


As we gather to enjoy food and fireworks today, let us also take a moment to pay tribute to the patriots who signed the Declaration of Independence — and the brave men and women who have fought to protect our freedoms through every generation that has followed.

I’m incredibly grateful to be an American. And from now until November, my campaign will carry this simple but deeply patriotic message: America’s greatest days are still ahead.

Happy Fourth of July to you and your family.


Mitt Romney

P.S. Show us how you honor our most patriotic holiday. Download the With Mitt iPhone app here and tag your July 4th photos with #WithMitt and we’ll feature them on our site.

[via email]

No. Way. My cat laid a major turd in the yard. Worm meds. BRB.

Wait! Wait! It’s needs a flag! One sec…

Okay, I thought about setting it on fire, but remember when I videoed burning the Bluebook?


This brought a lump to my throat and a tear to my eye.

Wish iPhone 5 was out b/c my GF would have given me her 4 and I would be able to participate. Anything for the iPad?

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