Andy Griffith (1926-2012)



check out andy’s top 3 movies:

Daddy and them


no time for sergeants

a face in the crowd

I wonder if there will be a whistling soloist at the funeral.

I loved The Andy Griffith Show. Even though I loathed Matlock, Andy still gets a gold star in my book. I’m hoping Netflix has A Face In The Crowd because I’ve been informed it’s terrific. All that will have to wait until my ISP decides to resume internet service, maybe tomorrow. Right now I’m using the wifi at the grocery store but I’ve got to get home and make a BLT salad for the fireworks party tonight.

Stay safe, kids, and don’t light your hair on fire!

I learned from TAGS that Southern people said “hey” to mean “hi.” I always say “hey” to a partner of mine when I see him in the morning and I get a “hey” back. Coming from the rez, I’m able to relate the country people in general per accepted protocols.

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