Sandusky Verdict
The jury in the Jerry Sandusky case has told the judge that they have reached a verdict on the 48 charges against Sandusky that he raped and molested 10 different young boys over a 15 year period.
Stay tuned…MSNBC says it may take a while to hear the verdict because the judge won’t let anyone leave or have outside communications until all 48 charges and their verdicts are read.
Updated to include the perp walk out of the courthouse to the waiting police car:
[ CNN Flash video not available. ]
Did Anderson Cooper just say guilty on 45 of the charges, sentence will be more than 400 years?
Holy fucking shit.
Guess the Texas DAs won’t need to go after him for assaulting the boy he took with him to the Alamo Bowl.
@SanFranLefty: And his adopted son is about to nail him to the wall. Good.
Quite a perp walk coming out in cuffs.
Any civil suits v. PSU?
@JNOV: When is Dottie going to be charged with being an accessory or conspiracy to commit the offenses?
@SanFranLefty: Veeedeo! Or it didn’t happen…
Too bad JoePa kicked it.
@JNOV: There’s no real need to have another trial for incest, given he’s facing a minimum of several hundred years.
As Gary Trudeau said – GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY!
on 45 counts
Wait. The FBI is investigating from a cover up angle?
@SanFranLefty: I think he just needs to try to cleanse himself of that bastard. Good.
@JNOV: The tort damages are going to hit PSU (and taxpayers) hard.
ADD: His attorney is an idiot.
And protect his kids…
@SanFranLefty: No, his attorney is a fucking moron.
@SanFranLefty: Corbett started the investigation when he was the Commonwealth AG, I think. Kudos for that, but he’ll probably use it as an excuse to cut funding for youth programs.
@SanFranLefty: Best quote: “Joseph Amendola, Sandsuky’s lawyer, said he’d ‘probably die of a heart attack’ from sheer shock if he managed to get an acquittal on all charges..”
Nothing moves a verdict along like the possibility of being stuck in a hotel for the weekend.
@JNOV: Amendola is now talking. He makes the first attorney who talked sound like David Boies in comparison. I wouldn’t hire Amendola to defend me on a speeding ticket. Sandusky couldn’t hire a fancy pants attorney from Philly?
@SanFranLefty: Bet nobody wanted him. Dechert and MLB have bigger fish to fry. Oh — Sandusky is from Washington, PA. They don’t do Philly and would secede if possible.
Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is going to have to build a whole new wing of the state pen for him to sit in alone.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in Pennsylvania, Monsignor Lynn convicted of endangering children for covering up child sexual abuse by priests.
@SanFranLefty: That is Big Fucking News in Philly.
And Seth Williams is a big-time Catholic (and some dude I used to know, and he charged a family friend with murder, no trial yet, but he needed to be charged). Anyway. Good for him, but very very good for Patrick Blessington (great name). I don’t know him. ;-) Seth is pretty young to be the DA. Anyway, I’m sure he’ll be charged with corruption some time in the future.
Okay. I could get a badger, bear or wolverine to handle the wasps. Or praying mantises.
Heard often on Twitter: “From Penn State to the State Pen.” And an old joke comes home to roost.
What do you call an older woman who has sex with teen boys?
A cougar.
What do you call an older man who has sex with teen boys?
A Nittany lion.
I make bad gallows humor jokes because otherwise I would cry and I’m not sure how long it’d take me to stop.
@matador1015: An old joke retold by an old man. :-P
@SanFranLefty: I think I’m still in shock. I tuned this business out shortly after it became public. I don’t want to know the details, but I think the 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men sexual abuse statistics should probably be 1 in 2 for both genders.
Okay. I’m stuck in the circle of life. I might have hornets and not wasps, but soon I’ll have greenhead flies, so I’m leaning toward praying mantis eggs. The lady bugs took care of the aphids, mated, eggs hatched, and then everyone took off. But the hornets and June bugs are here, no yellow jackets yet, BUT I want to start a beehive, and the PMs will have a field day (sorry) with honey bees.
Swifts are eating something in the lawn, I think June bugs and maybe moths, but I don’t know. They also built a nest in my fucking bathroom, so I’m a little annoyed with them right now.
The hornets are just hanging out in the butterfly/hummingbird wildflowers, but their number is increasing, soooo, I think I’ll give up on the beehive this year. But PMs also dig butterflies and the occasional hummingbird.
So, it’s all going to come down to personal preference.
I really, really wanted to have a honey bee hive.
I hate wasps, hornets, and greenheads.
I kinda like June bugs, but they’re no good.
There are more hornets and beetles than butterflies, so I think it’s the PM.
Thank you for caring.
Those things get seriously crazy – for instance, this:
There’s something unsettling about watching a bug eat a mammal…
@al2o3cr: Thanks for that. :/ I kid, but really, I saw the title, the music started, and I turned the video off.
I just want the hornets gone before they sting the shit out of my nephew, and I’m not going to bother looking for their nest(s).
Go, mantis, go!
Oh. Gas at the Wawa = $3.25/gal. You’re welcome!
Saw somewhere on the internets that the price is around 12k euros, or 15 grand American.
@JNOV: Gas at the Wawa
I think that’s the default condition.
@nojito: See if you can work “spunk” into that.
I had to look up this “Wawa” of which youse speak. We don’t have them here on the Left Coast.
@Dodgerblue: I can’t believe your kid never mentioned it. They’re big on the Main Line.
@JNOV: Gas at the Buc-ee’s: $2.99. Two other nearby places have it at $2.97. New Braunfels, TX. Wawa that!
@matador1015: Yeah, but who pumps?
@mellbell: Yep. Driving the 7-11 outta business.
@matador1015: @JNOV: I paid $3.59 here in Orygun yesterday and it felt like I was getting a bargain. Under $4.00? Score! And I didn’t have to pump.
@Mistress Cynica: +1
Here’s a[nother] question for you and Bene and anyone who cares to help.
So, I’m not all the way organic with this garden/lawn stuff. I’ve used Vigoro (made by Ho Depot) Ultra Turf Weed & Feed (phosphorus-free and works like AWESOME in the true meaning of the word).
I also have 16 roses Most of them are close to if not over 50 years old. I’m fighting the friggin’ black spot by pruning, keeping the beds clear of fallen infected leaves and quarantining the fungus among us, etc. BUT I have been feeding them Vigoro rose food — not exactly organic. Also, these things have been ignored for going on five years, so, I went the fast and easy route.
Question: Rose hips or dead head?
I’ll take my answers (please?) off the air.
@JNOV: Deadhead. You might well get a second flush of bloom. If they’re ever bloomers – probably not – you’ll get an even more abundant show. Mine have had their first flush and I’m dead heading. Actually, I’ve finally found someone to do the weeding and she does that.
@JNOV: Deadhead, definitely. Also, roses benefit from being cut way back (to about 9″ in height) when they’re dormant. I do mine in Feb, but YMMV on the East coast. You can also use the non-toxic Cornell formula to help fight blackspot and other fungi. Mix 1 Tbsp of baking soda and 1 Tbsp neem oil (found at nurseries or hardware stores) to one gallon of water and spray on roses weekly.
@Benedick et Mistress Cynica: Thank you both. Dead head it is. I had been doing it religiously, and some are ever bloomers, and some are still sending up shoots with buds. No suckers so far. I guess I got lazy.
After I’ve pruned the fungal branches, sometimes to the base of the plant (it’s that bad), I’ve been spraying them with 1 tsp baking soda, 1 drop liquid dish soap diluted in 1 gal water. I’ll give the neem oil a shot. I don’t have a garden sprayer, so I go from bush to bush with a household hand sprayer, and it gets wearisome.
It’s so damp here, and I’m on an aquifer across the street from wetlands, so the fungus has a field day. Boo! But I don’t have to water, so, yay!
ADD: Mistress Cyn — I pruned in March because no one had pruned them in years (great uncle was very ill), and they looked like something spindly that Dr. Seuss imagined. One was almost across the driveway. i felt rotten, because they were already sending up shoots, but it had to be done.
We (my family on this island) tend to prune in the late fall, and we prune severely. I clean my clipper deals with alcohol between each plant. We also plant new roses with a brick in the bottom of the hole. We live on sand.
Bene: Looks like you’re free to weed over here, then.
@JNOV: I find dead-heading very therapuetic. Sometimes I like to say “Off with their heads!” in my best Red Queen fashion while I do it. It’s fun and it spooks the neighbors, so win-win. Because it is so wet here, you either use major chemicals or live with a little black spot. Some vineyard have roses planted at the end of each row of grapes to act as the canaries in the coal mine for fungal diseases. Jason and Forrest use no chemical fertilizers or insecticides, but they do spray with sulfur.
@Mistress Cynica: I am so doing that! The neighbors don’t dig me much anyway. They come up to the fence when I’m either mowing the lawn or wearing headphones and want to chat about something stupid like can I make their bootleg DVD play for them. Pfft.
I’ll start hollering “Off with your head!” They’ll leave me alone, I’m sure.
Headbanging TJ/ Okay. Metallica is about 3-4 miles away. I can hear them. Like really her them, and the fans, which would be kind of cool if I weren’t old and in need of some sleep.
When I heard “Unforgiven,” I was like, “Yay! They’re done.” But nooooo. that was an hour ago. They just played “Enter Sandman,” the only song all the fans know, and I am hoping that’s it. Please let that be it. No encore. But I think they didn’t play “Master of Puppets,” so, yeah.
ADD: Shit. Here they go again. Oh, and fireworks! Or someone just got shot.
ADDD: Well, tickets were $90, and that’s obscene. Glad people are getting their money’s worth.
@RML: The concert is streaming.
Whoa. India Arie co-wrote “One”? GTFOH
Now they’re throwing bags of meth into the audience.
@JNOV: That’s the Orion Festival that Metallica put on this weekend. One night was their second album Ride the Lightning played in its entirety, while tonight was The Black Album’s 20th anniversary show they’ve been playing on the road this summer. They’re playing TBA in reverse order, so the set starts with The Struggle Within and ends with Sandman. They do a few songs other songs as openers and encores.
Watching the stream. (Thanks for the tip.) Looks like they’re going into the TBA section. I played it so much for about three or four years after I got it that I had to put it aside, although I still break out the documentary on the making of the album and subsequent two year tour. Rob Trujillo, the bassist they picked up from Ozzy (and ex-Suicidal Tendencies) was always great since he joined a few years ago and he’s become a better back up singer.
Damn, that’s a big ass crowd. The guys on Liquid Metal were saying Metallica kicked ass on the first night. Guess I’ll stay up a bit and keep it on while doing some work reading.
“Seek and Destroy” was the closer, as it often is. Three songs off And Justice for All – Blackened (a fave of mine), Shortest Straw and One. Hope they come around New Mexico in the next year or two. Last saw them about four years ago. I think the fireworks you heard were all the on stage pyrotechnics for the show, although I was putting a pack together for a hiking class tomorrow and was not glued to the screen to see if they launched anything.
Add: Not a very diverse crowd at Orion. If that show was in New Mexico the crowd would be majority crazy Indian metalheads from the rez and Hispanics. I’ll be in the pit for the Mayhem Festival with Slipknot, Slayer, Motorhead, poss. Anthrax, plus some younger bands. Should be insane.
@redmanlaw: :-)
I’m not going to lie. I streamed it until the end (and heard it through the window on a slight sound wave delay), and it looked like a pretty decent show.
@Mistress Cynica and Bene: I am ready to nuke my garden. But I won’t. I spent too much money on replacing the nematodes I killed with the weed and feed, praying mantis eggs and ladybugs. But I really, really want to kill the hell out of the Virginia creeper and #@$@#$@6$%&*^& dandelions. KILL THEM! And my neighbor who is kind enough to share.
Fats (my nephew) and I had a great time with the “Off with their heads” thing today when he wasn’t trying to step on wasps. Buck naked.
@JNOV: K. Either you hire my impressive woman garden conquerer or get a fire weeder. I bought one but then WonderWomanWeeder appeared. She is impervious to poison ivy. She is a phenom. I would mate with her if that were possible to ensure the future of the human race. But since that would include perpetuating Santorum, Issa, Romney spawn I’ll give it a pass.
@Benedick: Ohhhhhhh…fire! But some vines are toxic when burned, but fire! We’re talking a flame thrower, right?
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread @JNOV: Haven’t touched a thing — checked it the other day, worked from here. But that’s my…
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Oh! My edits worked! Praise nojo!
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JNOV • The Values We Profess Yeah. So. When my kid came back from basically getting frog-marched from a store downtown (the…
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NOJO • The Values We Profess @nojo: Also, I love saying stuff like “heading uptown”. Brooklyn is fun!