The Stupid, It Kills

“(NEWSER) – A West Virginia Pentecostal pastor who used poisonous snakes during religious services has died of a rattlesnake bite. Mack Wolford, who just turned 44, was killed by a snake he had owned for years, reports theWashington Post. He was bitten during an outdoor service at a state park he had hoped would be a ‘homecoming like the old days,’ filled with people speaking in tongues, handling snakes and having a ‘great time,’ he said on his Facebook page.”


Sometimes things just don’t work out the way you planned.
But maybe that’s the snake talking.

@BobCens: If Rmoney loses West by God Virginia by one vote, it’s the snakes fault. Did anybody see Henry Rollins somewhat sell out show on Nat Geo Wild? He visited a snake handler and tongue speaker (aka teapublican’t) and even went to church. Believe it or not the church music rocked. It’s the first time I’ve heard white gospel that didn’t really suck.

Couldn’t help but notice that the picture is from Harlan County (named for the great-uncle of Justice John Marshall Harlan). Fortunately, while the Eastern/Appalachian parts of the state were historically a hotbed for that sort of thing, snake handling is now illegal in Kentucky. The more you know…

@jwmcsame: Rollins talked about both of those when we saw him on his spoken word tour in March. We got to talk to him after the show, and he passed on some good advice to Son of RML.

@mellbell: Snake-handling is attributed to Mark 16:18. However, everything from verse 9 to the end is disputed by scholars as a tacked-on ending. Anyone who uses this verse to justify snake-handling is not only putting themselves at risk, they are also relying on ambiguous scripture (like that chapter in Leviticus that condemns gay sex, along with talking back to your parents).

@redmanlaw: i’ve been meaning to see him live. he comes to knoxville every so often, believe it or not. what do i need to put out to keep my turkeys coming around? 2 years ago there was a passle or flock with many young turks. i guess this one stuck around. he picks through the front yard before dusk and i hear him in the woods out back a lot. don’t they chase snakes off?

It fascinates me that someone with such primitive beliefs had a Facebook page.

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