Monday, Monday
Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, who has long been an outspoken critic of President Barack Obama, used scathing language in a tweet Saturday to condemn the president’s remarks about the Supreme Court last week.
Scathing! Language! Why that’s… that’s… that’s Outrageous!
“Constituents askd why i am not outraged at PresO attack on supreme court independence. Bcause Am ppl r not stupid as this x prof of con law,” Grassley wrote, using typical shorthand for the social networking website.
Did you hear that? Am ppl r not stupid as this x prof of con law!!!!!!! How can Chuck Grassley get away with something so monstrous?
Or is the news that slow today? Might be a good thing, really. America could use a breather.
TRENDING: Grassley calls Obama ‘stupid’ on Twitter [CNN]
wht a gdmn mron. he cnt evn spll 4 sht.
How shocking that Grassley is a complete fucking idiot – we had no clue!
“What did you expect? “Welcome, sonny”? “Make yourself at home”? “Marry my daughter”? You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons. ”
-enough said.
You are absolutely RIGHT! They are very ‘simple minded’ petty little people! I call them the Demon Morons of the Planet of the APES! Andrew, HE IS DYSLEXIC!
I know people blogenfreude that have Grassley way way way way way way BEAT in tha FUCKING IDIOT DEPARTMENT!
and i am absolutely postively screaming about that. All of them. They have no hearts whatsoever. NONE. They are cold blooded murderers. Destroying peoples lives completely. And some of them call themselves ‘GOOD PEOPLE!” when they do not even notice that they are not. I am leaving this country due to monster terrorists. And everyone in it. Wiping the slate clean completely. All of known people, including my two children. Changing my career after 20 years. right down to the last bit of old clothing as soon as I can replace them.
They destroyed my entire life. So a man that I know told me to wipe the slate entirely clean due to it. Than another man told me to do the same. They all did. So did my family. My family told me, “we love you, and want you to be happy, and you go where ever you need to be happy.”
The people mainly responsible for the destruction of my entire life, are Christians.
@nojo: こんにちわ!
@nonprostituternnowiquituUSA: Welcome back, Prom!
Don’t make me pull out the Hoobastank. Maybe some Evanescence…
@nojo: Is it me you’re looking for?
@I’m passing for white: This new tune by Lacuna Coil sounded pretty fucking awesome when I saw them on Sunday night. Total Type O Negative vibe. Epic like King Me by Lamb of God.
@nonprostituternnowiquituUSA: Dude. Beer?
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread @JNOV: Haven’t touched a thing — checked it the other day, worked from here. But that’s my…
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Oh! My edits worked! Praise nojo!
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Glad you’re feeling sunny. I have my moments which are then squashed by some shitheads’…
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: The Long View: 1972: Nixon 61% 1984: Reagan 59% 2004: Bush 51% 2024: Trump 50%…
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread Power is power, but… About 11 million votes remain to be counted. Nate Silver (I know, I know)…
JNOV • The Values We Profess Yeah. So. When my kid came back from basically getting frog-marched from a store downtown (the…
JNOV • The Values We Profess @nojo: We love you! I was thinking, even though we don't truly celebrate x-mas, some people in…
NOJO • The Values We Profess @nojo: Also, I love saying stuff like “heading uptown”. Brooklyn is fun!