The Santorum Inquisition

For years, Rick Santorum has been known primarily for two things: his titular definition, and his crying daughter. And in the years following his 2006 Senate smackdown, there’s been little reason to know any more.

But now that he’s leading the pack, however transiently, we’re learning that Santorum spreads much wider than we’ve suspected. He’s not just a bigot. He’s not just a bigoted wingnut. He’s not even just a bigoted wingnut fundamentalist.

Rick Santorum is a Holy Warrior.

The picture came into focus with the discovery of a talk Santorum gave four years ago at Ave Maria University in Florida. (Founded by Domino’s Pizza money, but that’s another meme.) Satan himself was waging war on America, he said, first by attacking higher education — and, by extension, anyone with a college degree — then by taking down “mainstream” Protestants. All that remained in Our Exceptional Nation’s defense was — well, heroic Catholics like Rick Santorum.

In other words, Rick Santorum now wants to be President of a country that he says has gone to Hell.

With that in mind, his remarks about abortion, about birth control, about non-procreative sex, about homosexuality, about this

[Saturday, Santorum] lambasted the president’s health care law requiring insurance policies to include free prenatal testing, “because free prenatal testing ends up in more abortions and therefore less care that has to be done because we cull the ranks of the disabled in our society.”

…all take on new meaning. Rick Santorum is not a bog-standard Culture Warrior. He wants to establish an American Caliphate, to keep the Devil at bay.

At this point, we’re supposed to say that Rick Santorum is dangerous — that if he ever seized power, the rest of us would be in a heap o’ trouble. But even if he survives Invincible Mitt, he’ll never seize power.

Why? Well, it comes down to all those Americans the Devil has already captured.

They still vote.


Someone really, really needs to start pushing the meme that if the Republicans nominate Mitt Romney it represents their own admission that the American people have rejected conservatism and simply will not vote for a true Republican.

That ought to get the GOP base all riled up and aching to nominate Santorum.

And then Santorum gets the nomination.

And then Barack Obama sails to a second term.

Tee, hee, hee.

One would think that being run by a religious nut would make Domino’s pizza less shitty, but I digress.

You know what? The grandstanding corrupt fame whore John McCain (sans the semi-literate grifter from Wassila) looks so good right now in comparison to 1%er Weather Vane Rombot, Grifter Gingrich and Saint’s Row not Saintly/Sane Santorum.

This year’s crop of GOP candidates make George W. Bush, Bob Dole, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon look good. A guy who spent his life in service to the country like Dwight Eisenhower looks like a demigod.

Don’t forget that Frothy Mix denounced all public education on Saturday, too. At the rate he’s going, I think he’s going to name Mel Gibson as his running mate on a platform of returning mass to the original Latin and reinstating the 17th Century use of the scarlet letter and dunking chair for uppity sexually active ladiez.

@SanFranLefty: Missed that one.

And, of course, he’s also denounced the French Revolution.

Bear in mind that there are good reasons to denounce the French Revolution — or at least the latter parts of it — but in his case, I think he’s still pissed that the peasants revolted against the Catholic monarchy.

Oh please please let him be nominated!

@nojo: I’m sure he has good things to say about the Spanish Inquisition (even if it is European).

@nojo: Here you go

You can’t up this shit frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter.

For the first 150 years, most presidents home-schooled their children at the White House, he said. “Where did they come up that public education and bigger education bureaucracies was the rule in America? Parents educated their children, because it’s their responsibility to educate their children.”

“Yes the government can help,” Mr. Santorum added. “But the idea that the federal government should be running schools, frankly much less that the state government should be running schools, is anachronistic. It goes back to the time of industrialization of America when people came off the farms where they did home-school or have the little neighborhood school, and into these big factories, so we built equal factories called public schools. And while those factories as we all know in Ohio and Pennsylvania have fundamentally changed, the factory school has not.”

Nevermind that Frothy Mix and his wife sucked tens of thousands of dollars from Pennsyltucky school districts while “home-skooling” their litter of kids at the mansion in McLean, Virginia.

@SanFranLefty: The home-schooling scam came up somewhere last week — probably one of Sully’s Pennsyltucky readers provided a report.

I really heart him as a candidate, even more than Mitt. When Mitt loses, Mitt will get the blame for not being a real conservative. But when Frothy loses? I’m sure they’ll figure out something, but it’ll be creative.

@Dodgerblue: Or the fundies might latently discover that Rick is a Papist.

Man oh man, Chris Kelly nails it when he calls Santorum our nation’s Scarlett Asshole.

We must have done something wrong — as people, as a generation, as a nation — to have to go through this hell again. Endlessly. The past mixing with Rick Santorum into a frothy toxic leachate of regret and déjà vu. Repression curdling into remorse, remorse into shame, shame into atrabiliousness, a word I should probably look up.

I thought he said ‘satin’.

But now why is different when Iranian protesters call the US the Great Satan and when Frothy does it?

@Serolf Divad: @Dodgerblue:@nojo:

Careful what you wish for. That’s how we ended up with Ronnie and Dubya.

@flypaper: Obama Trails GOP Rivals in Iowa

A new Des Moines Register poll in Iowa shows President Obama trails three of the four Republican candidates in head-to-head match-ups if the election were held today.

The Republican with the biggest lead: Ron Paul, who would defeat Obama by 7 percentage points, 49% to 42%. Rick Santorum leads Obama 48% to 44%. Mitt Romney leads Obama 46% to 44%.The president defeats only Newt Gingrich, 51% to 37%.

“Iowa is considered a swing state in the general election, critical to Obama’s re-election or victory by the Republican nominee.”

@flypaper: We didn’t end up with Dubya. He was installed.

And Ronnie, well, yes, he was the liar the country wanted. And soon as I find a Republican who has anything close to his electoral charisma, I’ll sound the alarm.

@redmanlaw: Too soon. We need to see (a) the actual nominee, and (b) state-by-state polls based on the actual nominee, before we start fretting. I’m not going to worry my little head until the Electoral College estimates start firing up, and that might not be until May or June.

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