Ragnarok & Roll
Title: “That Is All”
Author: John Hodgman
Rank: 2,036
Blurb: “You may ask: During his whirlwind tornado ride through the high ether of minor fame and outrageous fortune, did John Hodgman forget how to write books of fake trivia? The answer is: Yes. Briefly. But soon, he remembered!”
Review: “Worth your money and time, as if you’ll have either when the supercollapse begins and the Ancient and Unspeakable Ones return.”
Customers Also Bought: “Zombie Spaceship Wasteland” by Patton Oswalt
Footnote: “May 21, 2012: The moon explodes.”
That Is All [Amazon]
Buy or Die [Stinque@Amazon Kickback Link]
I’m confused. Fake trivia sounds funny. The thought of fake trivia taken as real trivia sounds scary. But it’s trivial, right? Hope the believers end up on Jeopardy.
2002 is so ten years ago.
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